Chapter 8:Harry (Edited)

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Sorry I wasn't able to update earlier....had exams...sorry if this chapter is cringey... anyways....on with the story


I heard Ron gasp beside and that sorta sumed it up. Hermione stepped forward.

"What the bloody hell is that?" She demanded. I winced. Ron was rubbing off on her. But he didn't seem to care. He just nodded and said, "Yeah mate! You owe us a bloody explaination." I just stayed quiet knowing a teacher is there in the room.

The blonde girl in the whatever that misty thing was just looked confused and worried at the same time. Percy opened his mouth to explain when Ginny came in and gasped. "What the-"

Professor Jackson cut her of. "OK first of, mind your language kids and why on Earth are you guys in my room without my permission?" I saw Percy was trying to hide a smile. Ginny just smiled and said, "I saw Harry come in here so I came cause I wanted to ask him something." She nodded and just her chin at me. "What about you guys?"

However before I could reply, Percy saved us. "Hey Annabeth! I'll IM you after this mess is sorted up." He told the blonde girl. She looked thoughtful scarily reminding me of Hermione when she was thinking. "Okay but don't be a seaweed brain and tell them anything." With that her image disappeared. 

Ginny just got up and left as Professor Jackson told her to. Even though I didn't know him for long, I could tell Percy was worried. What ever that blond- sorry Annabeth was about to tell her, I worried him.

"I would give you detention but I won't. Just don't snoop on people again." With that Professor Jackson urshed us out. "Harry kindly stay back." I turned to look at her and tilted my head. She looked a lot like mum. They had the same kind smile and red hair. Only mum's eyes were green, not Blue.

"You are my nephew but remember that I won't be partial on you or your friends." She said winking. "Now go before they worry. You also Percy." I could tell he wanted to say something but just huffed and agreed. Before the door closed he said, "You owe me an explanation Mom." As the door shut I heard a small chuckle.

                                                                      •TIME SKIP•

Percy looked ready to cry as Hermione, Ron and Ginny blasted him with questions. I knew how that felt everytime I was at the Burrow so I just stayed quiet.

"Shut Up" he finally said."Honestly, I am tired and am going to bed."

"But what about answers?" I asked. Percy sighed.

" You're not gonna let this go are you?"

Hermione shook her head. Just then Ginny came in and said, "I also want to hear what was that so I am staying." Ron just shrugged and she came and sat beside me. Percy got up and left. He ame back minutes later looking worried. He sat down in front of us and ran his hand through his hair absent-mindedly.

"Do I really have to tell? Can't it wait till tomorrow?" Percy said. Then he suddenly turned to Hermione and a smug grin appeared on his face. " Tomorrow is the first day. You don't want to be late to the class just listening to me do you?" He caught us there. We got up and went to bed.


A month was over and Percy still didn't tell us. He somehow managed to dodge the questions we asked him. The classes were really hard now and teachers gave us loads of homework. With Percy's dyslexia Transfiguration was nightmare for him and for us just harder than ever. The only class Percy was good other than potions was DADA. Our new DADA teacher was Mr.Brunner. He might have been on a wheelchair but he knew everything about combat fighting. He knew Percy as he was his teacher in his last school. We tried to listen what they talked about after Percy stayed back after every DADA class but they talked in another language. We knew that because we eavesdropped them. Sorry Aunt Sally.

We were sitting in the DADA class when everyone heard a bang outside followed by a low growl. In my peripheral vision, I saw Percy look at mr.brunner who nodded. Percy got up and ran outside. Naturally, everyone followed.

We saw he was fighting a large dog thingy with a.....was that a sword? Yep. Definitely. Instead of dying, that thing burst into golden dust. Percy say us and grabbed mine and Ron's wrists and beckoned Hermione and Ginny to an empty classroom.

"What on Earth was that thing? How do you have a sword? Why did it burst into golden dust? Who are you? Explain everything mister." Hermione told everything in one breath.

"What do you guys know about Greek Gods?" Percy said.


I'll admit that when Percy finished explaining, I didn't expect him to be a demigod. Hermione chimed in from time to time about the details he missed. About Greek Gods not him. Percy even had tears in his eyes for some parts but we didn't tease. Even Ron. That was surprisingly nice. Man that kid has been through a lot.

"And now I am worried about what has got Annabeth so worked up." Percy said. We just shrugged.

Wow was all I could think before an IM appeared showing a very worried Nico.


Harry knew that was Nico as Percy described everyone perfectly. Also thankssss a lotttt for 3 followersss. I know it isn't a lot but to me it is.

A quick question. Who all out there have read or seen Chronicles of Narnia. My next crossover will be of that. After I finish this story.

What do you think has got everyone back at camp so worried? Hint: the first book of trials of Apollo.

Keep wondering. Keep reading.

Till then,


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