New beginnings

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She hadn’t known fear like what that morning had wrought. Jumping out of the safety of her bed, she rushed towards the bathroom, knowing time was of the essence.  Though it was dark outside, time was running out.

Carter Wilson was well aware of the dangers of senior year. If she lacked in any way, the vultures would drag her over the rakes, never letting her live it down. They didn’t need to know she was in fact not what they viewed her to be.

“Shit,” she whispered as she stepped into the too hot shower.

The rest of the house was as silent as ever, no one was ever awake at 5:30 in the morning. The faster she shampooed her hair, the sooner she could prepare for the day ahead.

Towel drying off, Carter ran back to her room, slipping on the dark wash skinny jeans and oversized sweater. Shoving her feet into her leather boots, she hopped back into the bathroom, plugging the blow dryer in and trying to brush the knots out of her hair. After her hair was perfectly dry, she began to lightly curl her dark red hair. Next came simple make up including eyeliner and mascara. A swipe of lip-gloss and she was on her way.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, Carter was thankful she had enough time for her usual breakfast. Bread was put in the toaster and she began to make some scrambled eggs. Just as she was finishing eating, her dad walked down the stairs. He was a large man with pepper hair and a scar starting at the corner of his lip and ending just above his neck.

“Morning pumpkin,” he said in his timbre voice as he started up the coffee pot. Try as she might, Carter never could get behind the coffee binge everyone else around her seemed to be on.

“Hi daddy,” Carter replied as she threw her dishes in the washer and headed for the garage door.

Carter made her way to the Range Rover her parents bought her as a senior year present, snatching the keys off the wall. She slid into the soft leather seats, opened the garage door and backed out, careful to avoid the mailbox. She’d hit it only once but it was still taunting her. The drive to school was over in the blink of an eye. She noticed a parking spot open next to a pristine 69 Mustang. Gaping just a little, she grabbed her bag and locked the car, making her way to the group of girls with skirts just a little too short to be appropriate.

“Hey, Kyla,” Carter said to the petite blonde who tossed a fake smile over her shoulder towards her.

“Hi, Carter,” her annoying voice exclaimed. Carter hated the sound, as it was reminiscent to nails on a chalkboard.  Not a pleasant sound. She ignored the flippant greeting and walked up to her best friend, Graham. Everyone but him knew she had the biggest crush on him. She hid her blush as he threw his arm around her shoulder. God, he smelled good.

Out of the corner of her eye, a mop of black hair hid what appeared to be a relatively attractive face. She attempted to catch another glimpse, but the stranger had vanished from her sight.

“Babe,” Graham said trying to pull her attention back. Butterflies suddenly erupted at the pet name he had taken to calling her a couple months back.

“Yeah? What’s up?” She asked playing off the nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach. The mystery boy was vying for her full, undivided attention.

“I was asking if we had plans for tonight. It being a full moon and all.”

I tried not to think of the visiting alpha and his pompous son whose attitude was known throughout the packs.  Like the rest of my pack mates, I had never actually met him. And I was thankful for that.

“The usual,” Carter said, staring up at Graham. The usual consisted of the midnight run and the hours leading up to it.

The bell rang and we all said our goodbyes, drifting towards our respected classes. I had math first, thinking it was too early in the morning to be learning such a stupid, completely useless subject. They always say math is needed past high school, but unless one plans on becoming an engineer, something Carter didn’t foresee in her future, math was a waste.

As soon as the final bell rang, Carter was up and to her locker, gathering her things, and making a beeline for her car. She made it home in record time shocked she wasn’t pulled over. Running upstairs to her room, Carter threw her bag on the bed and went to her closet, determined to find the perfect outfit for the meeting her father had planned tonight. The meeting with a visiting alpha.

That was the only downside of being an alpha’s daughter; she was forced to entertain all passing dignitaries, pompous sons included. As soon as she had slipped on her favorite wedged heels, the doorbell rang.

She rushed downstairs, taking her place next to her mother, a no nonsense woman with a twinkle in her eye every time she saw her mate, the alpha. Once the door opened, Carter couldn’t manage to pick her jaw up off the floor. Standing in the doorway was a shocking sight. The boy she had glimpsed earlier was standing with a cocky grin on his face, hands shoved in his pocket. Only one thought crossed her mind. Mate. However, only one word slipped past her lips.


So, first chapter of the first story! Let me know what you guys think! Be nice!!! --Greighsen (:

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