The sidewalk was mostly wet and smelt of rainy ash. Not many people were out as the temperature felt below freezing and my three layers felt less then enough to keep me warm. That's when I noticed a white speck land on my shoe. I looked up, an ambush of snow was coming down in little pallets. I smiled as I caught some on my tongue and pulled my jacket over me to shield me from the snow, then the bus arrived

The concrete was smooth and strong mainly teenagers filled the skatepark. As I pushed with one foot on the ground my other foot steered me there was no wind and my skin started feeling dry. I took another sip of cold water and slid down a ramp to a almost vertical position. Someone was playing music and I felt more confident as I jumped on and off steel bars and rolled over small little hills. My skateboard escaped from me a few times but I managed to get it back every time.

The fur was soft and warm my body was drawn to it even though the smell wasn't as great the warm air covers my body and the wind was at a minimal, she was called daisy and my hand tickled as she ate grass out of it. I carefully sat on a log next to the grey steel wire I knew they felt trapped, the meadow was only a house wide and there was only one drinking hole, the water was steamy warm and slightly green daisy stayed with me as we watched the adults go to get milked.

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