FRIENDS!!! part two~

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Valerie's p.o.v.

I blocked out the sounds of metal and grunts that where around me and focused on the cyclops.

The Cyclops swung his club to the right but I threw one of my daggers to impail itself into his hip and swung around him landing gracefully behind him.

The Cyclops screeched in pain and colored his wound on his hip. He whirled around to face me and raised his club ready to smash me like a pancake.

But....I was to fast.

I ran under him and grabbed his kilt that had rips and burn stains on it, and hung there waiting for him to notice.

The Cyclops noticed my hanging onto his kilt and where I was hanging was also where his private part is.

I had moved away at the last minute resulting in me stumbling and falling onto my back from the loss of balance.

I herd the cyclops yell in agony and covered my ears and closed my eyes tightly from the sound.

I felt the ground rumble slightly beneath me, so I opened my eyes to see the cyclops above me and his club was already being swung down.

My eyes widened from realization. Everything went in slow motion. The club was 6 feet away from me.


Adriana came to my rescue.

I saw her attack the cyclops from the side. Distracting him.

I looked around me to see that most of the monsters were now gone and replaced with piles of golden dust.

Gaby and Leslie where fighting as one. Standing back to back. Gaby hair was in a high messy ponytail and Leslie's was loose and wild.

Adriana had rips on her shirt and she was holding her dagger slicing at the cyclops from the sides and making sure not to get hit with his club.

I rolled onto my stomach and noticed that the group of 8 where seperated....yet......they worked as a group.

A teen with darkish brown locks with a gleaming sword was slicing monsters left and right while another teen with blond hair that remined me of super man was protecting him from behind by shoting monsters with elctricity and flying slightly of the ground to move faster.

Then 3 feet away from them stood another teenage boy who looked like a bulky koala but was devinantly someone to truat with a bow. Because he shot arrows left and right and he didn't even look to his right and he shot an arrow and it hit a monster right in the middle of his head turning it to dust.

I look to his left to see another teenage boy but with brownish locks that looked shaggy but neat at the same time. His hands were flaming.....literally. he had flames in the palms of his hands and he was constantly throwing them around at monsters. "HEY WATCH WHERE YOUR THROWING THOSE FLAMES LEO!!!" a feminine voice yelled at the teenage bo- i mean leo.

I looked at the source of the voice and saw the blond chick with a dagger in her hand and she was back to back with another girl who's eyes seemed to change every few seconds.

I look behind the blond girl and saw a  dark teenage girl that was proublobly around my age and a pale man standing beside her. The girl had reddish brownish hair with bright hazel eyes and seems to give off an aura of respect and loyalty.

The teen boy that was DEFINANTLY around my age had dark hair that was either a rea Lily dark brown or just black. He had slight bags under his eyes and an avatar jacket with black jeans. He held a black sword which made all the monsters near them stare for a moment then charge.

I looked over everyone one more time before trying to stand.

But obviously that can't happen.

The Cyclops club came in contact with my left side resulting in me flying to the right and into a tree with such impact that the tree shook violently.

I growled in pain and attempted to stand once again.

This time I was able to stand.

I took a step forward and stumbled slightly before catching my balance before I can fall.

I continued to limp twords Adriana to help her with the cyclops.

Once reachingher I took out my daggers once again and charged.

I threw one of my chains around the cyclops neck and pulled back with a the strength I had left.

The Cyclops stumbled backwards and fell onto his back.

I jumped onto his chest and stabbed down onto where his heart should be.

The Cyclops screamed in agony and defet, and slowly turned to gust.

I stood there panting hard my hair a mess and plastered to my face and my clothing was ripped in multiple places.

My daggers and chains slowly morphed back into my ring and I put it back onto my middle finger and turned around to see everyone staring at me while also panting heavily.

I grinned from ear to ear and raised my fist into the air.

"VICTORY!!!!!" I yelled loudly.

Every raised there fists and roared in aggrement.

I chuckled and looked around to see that Alex was limping over to Gaby.

I grinned at Alex when he looked at me. Alex grinned back and started a conversation with Gaby.

By grin slowly disappeared and I stumbled backwards a bit before catching my balnce and continued smiling hopping no one saw that.

But I was wrong. The teen that was my age looked at me and started to walk twords me.

I stared at him with a confused expression on my features.

He reached me and he towered over me.

I pouted at him and mumbled"damn tall people." while looking down.

The teen smirked. He obviously herd what I said.

"Names nico di angelo. Yours?" He told/asked you.

I smiled slightly before responding" Valerie ilisabeth peña!!! it's just Valerie peña!!"

Nico smirked at me and grabbed my hand dragging me twords everyone one else.

My vision blurred slightly bit I forced my self to focus and steadied my self to make sure I don't trip.

Finally we reached everyone else.

Alex was laughing at gaby and Leslie because he said they looked like" lions desquized as girls."

Everyone laughed slightly while gaby smiled and Leslie chuckled at Alex.

Alex stopped laughing for a bit and they all continued talking for a bit.

I tuned them all out and stared at my feet feeling slightly light headed.

"Vere....valir......valer....VALERIE!!" I heard someone yell at me catching my attention.

"Wha-WHAT?!?!?! SOMETHING WRONG?!?!?!?!" i asked loudly lookeing around me hastily.

Alex chuckled and waved his arms a bit calming me down. "No....But are you lost alot of blood?" Alex aksed his jokester side gone and replaced with concern.

I smiled lightly at him."I'm fine~!!hehehehe...hehe...heh..." I suddenly felt very light headed and my vision blurred tremendously

I herd Alex calling my name multiple times but I couldn't focush.

I started to fall forwards but some one caught me.

My version cleared slightly to see that Alex had caught me and he was shaking me alot.

I smiled at him weakly."i-im f-f-fin-fine."

Every thing went black after that.

Thank you for reading!!!!! Enjoy!!!!! BYYYYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! X33

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