hello~part 1~

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Gaby's p.o.v.

After we finished battle the monsters was saw Valerie collapse.

I run over to Valerie with everyone else following close behind.

"Valerie? Valerie?!" Alex yelled when he reached her side first.

I stood next to Alex while he shook Valerie vigorously back and fourth.

"What the fuck are you doing?! Stop that!" Leslie yells at Alex while grabbing Valerie from his grip and pulling her slightly away from Alex.

Leslie pats Valerie' s cheeks to see if she'll wake up.

Leslie shook her head 'no' and pulled Valerie up by putting one arm I her shoulders and one around her waist.

"Come on...some on help me...she wwwweeeiiiggghhhsss!" Leslie grunted while keeping Valerie and her balanced even though Valerie is taller than Leslie.

I laugh and help by putting valerie's other arm on my shoulders and my arm around her waist.

"Lets get her to the infirmary." I announced and started walking to the infirmary whither the help of Leslie.

~time skip brought to you by Tyson~

Valerie was now laying on the infirmary bed while we stood around it.

I sigh and turn around motioning everyone to follow me.

Everyone starts following my outside the infirmary.

"Okay. Who are you guys?" I ask everyone but Leslie and Adrianna.

Leslie stands to my left with her arms crossed over her chest and her dark brown hair ,now neat, in a high ponytail.

Adrianna stood to my right with her hands to her side and her brown hair loose and reaching up to her shoulder blades.

The people infront of us stood side by side.

A blond boy who was in the middle stepped forward.

"I'm Jason" the blond said. I took in his appearance.

He has a scar on his lips, electric blue eyes, blond hair, and a serious aura around him. He's also wearing a black polo with jeans and white track shoes.

Jason pointed to the left end of the row."that's Leo."

Leo had shaggy dark brow hair and elfish ears. He also had brownish eyes that had a mischievous glint in them. He had a tanish color making him look Latino.

He also wore a white long sleeve that ended at his elbows with a green jacket tied around his waist. He also wore jeans with slight rips in them. And a tool belt too, as for shoes he wore bright red convers.

Jason pointed to a girl next to Leo."that's piper."

Piper had brownish hair with natural light brown highlights and styled with two braids infront and the back of her hair was loose behind her reaching her shoulder blades.

Piper also had tan skin with eyes that seemd to change color when you look at them. She also wore a dark blue polo with dark blue jeans and blue convers.

Jason pointed next to piper."rush that's percy."

Percy had dark brown hair with sea green eyes. He also had a serious aura around him but not as strong as Jason's. Percy also had a lean but built figure unlike leo who had a scrawny figure. Percy also wore a green polo with light blue jeans and dark blue convers.

Jason pointed next to percy to a blond chick."that's Annabeth."

Annabeth had blond hair with grey eyes. She also had a confident aura around her. She also wore an orange t-shirt with shorts that reached mid-thigh and a light pair of convers.

Jason pointed to another girl next to Annabeth."that's Hazel."

Hazel had a redish brownish hair that went slightly past her shoulder baldes and bright hazel eyes that popped out because of her dark skin.

Hazel also wore a purple t-shirt with dark blue jeans and dark blue convers.

Jason pointed next to hazel. "Thats Frank."

Frank had buzzed cut dark brown hair and had a built body. He also had brown eyes. And he looked kinda like a buff panda.

He also wore a purple t-shirt similar to Hazel's with dark blue jeans and red sneakers.

Jason pointed to his right."that's nico."

Nico had black hair that reached right bellow his ears looked like he just got out of bed. He also had Onyx eyes and bags underneath.He also had porcelain pale skin.

He also wore an avatar jacket with a back shirt with a skull underneath the jacket and black jeans with black high tops. He also gave off an aura of strength.

"And last but not least, coach headge." Jason said while pointing to someone next to nico.

Coach headge had brown hair with a messy look to it and horns sticking out of the top.

He also had a very strict and serious aura around him. He also wore a simple orange t-shirt and no pants because he had goat legs.

Jason then looked back at me."that's all. And now, who are you?" Jason asked.

I pointed to myself."I'm gaby." then I pointed to Leslie."that's Leslie." Then i pointed to Adrianna."and that's Adrianna."

"Wow. You forgot to mention me and Alex." Said a feminine voice behind Jason and the others.

Everyone turned around to see Valerie with her arms crossed and alex standing next to her.

Valerie sighed and limped over to me, Leslie, and Adrianna. Alex following right behind her.

Valerie smiled at me then turned ariund to face Jason and the others.

"Dont worry I caught all your names. And I do hope we see each other again soon. Bye~!" Valerie told Jason and the others while grinning and then turning around and limping my away Alex following to make sure she doesn't fall.

I look at Jason and nod at him signaling that it was nice meeting him. Jason nodded back.

I look at Leslie and Adrianna and we follow Valerie.

'I think we just made some nice new friends' me, Valerie, leslie, Adrianna, and alex thought at the same time.

Thank you guys for reading!!! And I'm sorry for not updating sooner buuutttt....HERE YOU GO!!!! A new chapter!!! I'll try to update sooner if I can but...until next time!!! Byyyeeee~!!!!!! X33

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