Chapter 1

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My heart's beating fast while I prepare for Justin's concert. This will be my first ever concert to attend to and I can't wait any longer, I'm finally going to see my idol live!!!

I came all the way from a small town in Australia which is 5 hours away from Sydney just to see my idol.

I am currently staying at a hotel near the concert arena by myself, I'm 16 and my auntie went to my hometown and dropped me off here. She lives here in Sydney but she has too many kids, there wasn't enough room for me so I just stayed here at a hotel.  

I'm here by myself 'cause none of my friends are a fan of Justin or I don't have a sister to take because I'm an only child.

-Skipping to OLLG song-

Oh my God! It's nearly One Less Lonely Girl, I hope they choose me! 

My seat is near the stage and I can see Justin up close!

Finally, I see Allison came out and is going to pick the OLLG now.

"Wait, Is she.. Is she walking my way?! OMG!!!" Allison's standing in front of me and I'm in shock!

"Do you wanna be the One Less Lonely Girl?" Allison asked the girl beside me and she screamed out "YES!". The girl hugged her friends and Allison and her went backstage.  

My mouth was hanging open. "I can't believe this! She didn't choose me?" Still in shock at how she completely ignored me!

"Is it because I'm not pretty? Not skinny enough?" I covered my face and almost cried.

I hear the fans scream louder when the OLLG finally came on stage. I removed my hands to see. She's sitting on a stool while Justin's serenading her.

I was so jealous. I wanna be the OLLG....

After a couple of songs, the concert's finally over. I don't want it to end. Everyone's leaving, although some girls stayed waiting for Justin to come out.

I finally left the arena. I needed to get some fresh air, it was too crowded inside.

Even though it's already late at night, I decided to walk around the park across the road from the concert arena before going back to the hotel. 

I wasn't paying much attention to the road, I was thinking about the concert. I crossed it and didn't see the black car coming.

"I still can't believe I went to Justin's concert! This is definitely one of the best nights of my life!" I said to myself.

Out of nowhere....

A car hit me and I almost flew away.

I got knocked over my feet, scraped my elbow, knees and bruised my legs. "Oww..." I sat up and cried while I tried touching my bleeding elbow.

Some guy in a hoodie got out of the car and carefully helped me up. His hoodie was covering his face and all I can see is his nose and lips. "I'm so sorry, are you alright?"

"No!" I replied, annoyed. "I'm so sorry about that. Do you need to go to the hospital?" He helped me up and walked me over to the sidewalk and his driver drove off to park the car.

There wasn't any light post around so it was quite dark, but the moonlight was making some sort of spotlight on his face. He looked around and see that no one's looking, so he took off his hoodie and revealed himself.

I was in shock. He was smiling at me and he reached for his bandana, that was hanging from his pant's pocket and covered up my elbow to stop it from bleeding.


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