ilove you for eternity

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Here is the next chapter i hope you all like it and please go check out seddieshipper_05. I really dope you guys do like this chapter though i literally cried writing it. As always sorry for any mistakes.
Bye x

Sam's POV
I woke up feeling a warm hand brushing through my hair and soft lips on my forehead. I was still lying against Freddie and was holding onto him tightly and he did the same to me. We were holding onto eachother like we were eachothers life line and and if we let go we'd lose eachother forever. Truthfully that is how we felt the last time Freddie had to go we did nearly lost eachother. I then heard the soft voice i had missed for so long but now i had back "good morning princess". I looked up at him as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, his warm hand felt so nice against my cold skin. "Morning", i replied as i stared into his chocolate brown eyes and all i could think about was how lucky i was to be in his warm embrace. I then nuzzled my head back into his chest "hey can we stay here for a bit longer it's just i've missed this so much, us getting to cuddle together", "of course we can and anyway it's only eight so we still have some time before the kids wake up". "Oh an Freddie", i said nervously which i think he could sense as he placed another tender kiss on my forehead. "i hate to kill the moment but by the looks of it your mom still thinks your you know d-", but i couldn't finish the word it was too hard and i tried to keep in the tears i really did but i couldn't it just made me think about all those times when i had needed my nub by my side and all those nights without him by my side. I broke. I burst into tears but then i experienced something that haden't happened in a long time, a panic attack. I could feel my lungs closing and was gasping for air but thankfully i wasen't alone like the other times i had Freddie to Calm me down. He placed his hands on either side of my face looking at me deeply but i still couldn't breathe properly it felt like all the oxygen had been drained from my body. Freddie was saying look at him but i couldn't i needed air and i kept crying and crying my eyes closed as tightly as possible. I could hear him talking but i couldn't say anything. I was scared, terrified i didn't think i would be able to breathe much longer and suddenly it almost felt like i blacked out but i then felt Freddie put his strong arms around me. I suddenly felt the oxygen coming back into my lungs, at this moment i felt something i'd never felt before it felt like a weight had been lifted of my shoulders, i felt relief because i had Freddie to help me. I then looked up at his face "good girl now tell me you favourite thing about me", he said placing his warm hands on my face", "you warm arms and how i feel safe and protected when i'm in them", i said truthfully. "Good girl that's right because i will always be here to protect you never forget that", he said as i felt my breathing return to normal as he gave me one last kiss on the forehead before wrapping his warm arms around me again and pulling me into his chest. I really did feel protected in his arms it was like my safe space and i could just let my walls fall when i was around him. I snuggled back into him wrapping my arms around him again as he used one hand to brush through my hair the other still wrapped tightly around me as he gently rocked me. I put my arms around him holding him tightly as i awaited the terrible words i never wanted to hear but knew i had to face "Sam did you just have a panic attack", he said so calmly. I didn't want to reply but i knew facing this would be better than trying to push this to the back of my mind and locking it away "yes it was", and before he could even answer i spoke again "freddie when you weren't here", i said trying to avoid anything to do with the "d", word. "I used to get panic attacks because it scared me alot knowing i was by myself and thinking about it now brought back all the bad memories but what was different this time was you where here to help me unlike the other times where it had only been Carly or Spencer and would collapse", i had let it all out in the hopes i wouldn't have scared freddie or anything but he didn't say anything back just looked at me his chocolate brown eyes glistening as i felt him lean down and capture his lips in mine "Sam i'm so sorry i didn't realise this but i want you to know. Sammantha joy puckett you are my everything and so are our gorgeous kids who can't help but remind me of you. Sam i love you so much i don't know how to explain it and i hate what happend but i'm here now and am never leaving you Sam and when you feel scared or anxious always know i will be there to hold you, to support you, to love you. I will always be lying next to you when you wake up and always be lying next to you when you fall asleep. Sometimes you might fall asleep in my arms but i will treasure those nights even more, those nights where i can hold you close to me and stroke you gorgeous blonde locks and rosie pink cheeks and look at those stunning bright blue eyes because Sam you are beautiful, gorgeous, breathtaking, talented, clever, funny, strong hearted and the list goes because you are in a million sam and i will mever let you go because you are my Sam puckett, my ham, my amazing bright, beautiful gorgeous girl who has done nothing but loved me and our kids. Your an amazing mother, friend but most importantly you are tge most amazing girlfriend or should i say soon to be wife because i want to marry you Sam maybe have more kids and stay with you forever, for eternity because that's what marriage is it's eternal love and that's what i feel for you Sam eternal love because everytime i wake up with you next to me, in my arms or when i watch you be the best mother it reminds me why i fell for you. I fell for you because you are just perfect and amazing and when we first kissed in the fire escape all those years ago, i felt sparks, sparks of joy because it's then i realised Carly was just some crush but the way i felt about you was different i loved you, i love you and i will alwayd love you for eternity". I was speechless absolutely speechless what had i done to deserve this much love and affection. I could say nothing but i could show him my love. I turned around slightly straddling him and pulled him close to me kissing him. He kissed back this kiss was not sexual it was a loving kiss and all we wanted right now was to love eachother. Our lips moved insinked for what felt like a couple seconds but was about twenty minutes. We had missed eachother so much these moments only felt seconds long because we were trying to make up for all our time apart. I looked back at his chocetes again "i love you to", i finally replied snuggling back down wrapping both my arms and legs around him. He put one arm around me and used the other one to stroke my curls again pulling the covers over us again and leaning back. We said no more just enjoyed eachothers warmth. I could only think about one thing at this point and it was that i couldn't be happier i had my nub and that is all i wanted and had wanted for so many years.

Freddie's POV
I had just helped Sam through a panic attack. It was honestly one of the scariest things i'd witnessed she looked so vulnerable and scared but i was there and she was now asleep. I had also made her a speech i had put all my love into it and it was nothing but the truth. I loved Sam more than i words can say. I was now starring down at her as she slept and i couldn't help but admit she looked so cute in her sleep. As i brushed my fingertips through her gorgeous blonde locks i couldn't help but think about how much i loved her. I really did feel eternal love for her and i always wanted her to know that.
(1383 words)

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