Video Games (Makuyomimae/Hajime Makunouchi x Nikei Yomiuri x Yuki Maeda)

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Yuki Maeda was always an honour student and a perfect role model for those aspiring to go to Hope's Peak Academy. Most of the time, he would end his nightly routine with studying before going to bed...

"You're not winning this time, Hajime!"

...But some nights, he would stay up late to demolish his two boyfriends at Mario Kart.

"What he said! You're gonna regret trying to get first place with me around!" Nikei boasted, dodging an extending chain chomp.

Hajime raised an eyebrow in amusement. "You wanna try putting your money where your mouth is?" He taunted.

"Yeah, you better get ready!" Yuki exclaimed, managing to pull ahead into second place as he threw a red shell and hit an NPC racer. "I'm catching up!"

"Like hell you are!" The journalist had managed to sneak up from behind the ginger and claimed second place for himself, moving Yuki back to third place. "First place is all mine, baby!"

"Not on my watch!" Hajime laughed, quickly pulling out some bananas and temporarily guarding himself with them. The three boyfriends raced against each other competitively, each of them neck and neck for first place as they desperately went onto their third lap.

But they had forgotten all about the NPC racers.

"Uh, I think I hear a blue shell." Nikei paused, recognizing the telltale whistle of the incoming harbinger of misery.

Yuki immediately stopped moving his cart, letting Nikei and Hajime pull ahead of him. When his boyfriends realized what he was doing, it was too late. The blue shell had placed itself above the duo and crashed down, stopping the boys as they were caught up in the explosion.

Yuki then sped forward, passing Hajime and Nikei, who didn't have anymore items to throw at him because of the blue shell. With no more obstacles in his way, the lucky student managed to cross the finish line in first place. "Yes!" He cheered, and put down his controller. "That was fun!"

"Fucking blue shell..." Nikei grumbled, passing the boxer and ending up in second place.

"Heh, good game." Hajime congratulated. "I'll get you next time though, so you better watch out!"

"Ha, we'll see!" Yuki smiled.

Art credit: amieeanime on instagram

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