First Meeting (IRL Sannohashi/IRL Mikado Sannoji x Syobai Hashimoto)

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(Warning: spoilers for chapters 0/6 of sdra2!)

With a groan, Mikado slowly opened his eyes. His throbbing head was the thing that woke him up, but now that he was slowly gaining awareness, he felt other parts of his body hurting. Reaching back in his memory, he tried to recall what happened to him to wake up in so much pain.

That's right, he was in a dark alleyway, on his way to deliver money to Kokoro, when he was suddenly attacked by a man with grey hair. The man had silently ran up to him and wrapped an arm around his torso before slashing his chest and around his neck and arms. After he felt his body going into shock, the man let him fall against the wall and his head fell to the side and put the man out of sight. He felt a sudden prick against his neck, and his vision faded to black.

He shivered at the memory and tried to get to his feet, but to his horror, he was tied up to a swivel chair. His hands were tied behind him to the back of the chair and his legs were tied to the single chair leg, and he was gagged by a coarse rag. He tried to make use of the swivel chair and propel himself forwards, but the wheels were locked in place. Looking down at himself, he saw that he was shirtless with bandages wrapped around his torso.

Mikado looked around desperately and whimpered, the pain of his wounds getting to him. His world was blurry, even with his glasses on. He could've sworn they fell off and got covered with blood - his blood - when he was attacked. From what he saw, he was in a dim room akin to a weapons store crossed with a basement. He wondered how he got there, but the answers he wanted remained just out of his reach.

All of a sudden, the door to the room opened and a man walked in. Mikado gasped and tried to lean back in the chair to try and put as distance between him and the newcomer. It was the grey-haired man that attacked him. The man closed the door behind him and walked up to the hacker, ignoring his muffled protests and pleas.

"Oi, can you be quiet for a moment? I'm not gonna hurt you." He deadpanned. Mikado didn't believe him, turning his head away from the man and squeezing his eyes shut, feeling the tears in his eyes spilling over.

To his surprise, the cloth gagging him was untied and taken off of him. Mikado's head whipped back around in time to see his captor throw the cloth haphazardly to the floor. "Who are you?! Where am I?! What do you want from me?! Is it money?! I can get you money!" Mikado frantically exclaimed, barely able to keep himself from crying out of fear.

"Jesus, slow down. I'll answer your questions, just wait." The man lazily told him, not fazed by the demeanour of his captive. "The name's Syobai Hashimoto, and you're in my house. It's hidden, so nobody can get to here except for me."

As Mikado listened, he slowly pulled himself together to ask questions. "Why am I here?" He asked.

"Well, that's a bit of a long story, but I'm willing to tell it. Something fishy's going on here anyways, so you might as well know what's up." Syobai sighed. "To make a long story short about who I am, I take all kinds of black market jobs for a living. Delivering drugs, assassinations, smuggling weapons, you name it, I've probably done it."

"Alright, I know enough about you, but what does that have to do with me?" The hacker cut in.

"Hold your horses, I'm getting to that part." The broker fixed Mikado with a glare that silenced him instantly. "Now this time, I was hired to do many things. My client was an artificial intelligence that wanted me to be his body. And one of the first things he wanted me to do was get rid of his creator."

As Syobai kept talking, Mikado's eyes got wider. "My Alter Ego..." He gasped.

"Even with the money he offered me, I can tell that something was off about it. I'm still not sure what, but I didn't trust him fully. I wasn't worried about a knife in the back, but it was like a weird feeling of anxiety. So, I spared your life and hid you away." He recounted.

"But you still attacked me." The hacker reminded angrily.

"To give him proof that I did the job. I didn't tell him that you were dead, but I found a way to show him. Here, take a look." Syobai reached into his pocket and took out a photo, holding it up so that Mikado to see it.

"...No way..." Mikado breathed, seeing a photo of himself unconscious and bleeding out against the alleyway wall.

"This is what I showed him, and he believes you to be dead. But I didn't kill you, just cut you up enough to make the wounds seem fatal without harming any vital organs or blood vessels before tranquilizing you. All in all, you need to chill at my place until this whole thing blows over, and I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon." The broker walked over to the cloth and walked back to the hacker. "Sorry, gotta put this back in. I gotta check and clean your wounds so that they don't get infection, and the peroxide hurts like a bitch. You might want to bite down on it."

Mikado didn't fight as Syobai gagged him again, still in shock from learning that his own Alter Ego tried to have him killed. He felt the bandages around his torso being taken off, then he felt a sudden sharp pain as a cloth soaked in peroxide was gently pressed against his torso. He let out a muffled yelp as the cloth was put to his other wounds and cleaning them. Soon, the bandages were replaced and Mikado was left gasping in the chair.

"I'll bring you some light food later, but I can't untie you right now. Not while there's a chance that you can escape." Syobai turned away and picked up his peroxide and cloth, leaving the room and closing the door behind him. As Mikado was left alone with his thoughts, he wondered what would become of him.

Art credit: wibblyparfait on tumblr

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