Chapter 3- Wake up wake up

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Wen I open my eyes I see a smile of a man/woman whatever it was it look happy and glad that I cun see it before I cun say something I wake up for real it was a teacher about to call Ambulance when he noticed me open my eyes he say " Thank God hes not Dead " I look Around And see a couple of students with their phones recording as teachers telling them to back away and go back to class and I see jack talking to a teacher her name was the mis-Amy well known for being kind and caring and Understanding of students and CO workers the I ask " why are all of you are freaking out " the teacher Mike Who was about to call Ambulance says " you were under water for 30 minutes and 10 minutes Conscious wen we grab you out the pool I say " That's impossible it was 1 minutes for me!!??!!" Mike Comes me down and says "tell me how you feel inthe pool" I tell him the entire situation But I left the details of what I saw blood and Hands grabbed me out of what I told him cuz I still don't believe to be real Meanwhile Jack tell mis-Amy how I ended op in the pool since he say the truth There will be no suspension And it will not affect his career in football But he will be disappointed for this Punishment He needs to get a 100 At least one of his class if not he will get Suspended from school for a week mis-Amy did it That way because she knew he was passionate for football And he doesn't want his position to be taken away is a way to punishing him And make him more concentrated on school and his career so Mike took me to The infirmary Cause of the bite on my finger He didn't want it to get infected it was in The 2nd floor between the 1st and 3rd floor Not too far not too close The nurse tool me to take off my close temporarily Until it drives off She gave me temporary clothes just in case of these situations Every student has Emergency clothes When I'm about to put my shirt on she see my Stab scar on the back very close to My spine and ask " were did you get that scar " confused cuz I never ben Stab in my life only in a dream... it makes Me shiver does that mean when I'm dreaming I'm not safe "nurse- Star... can you please Caution tree on my finger" I really whated to tell star that it happen in a dream but That Wouldn't make sense so star start To treat my finger and say is really deep you can see the boon if you look closely She does some basic and necessary so it will not get infected so I can go to the doctor to get it Stitch together and heal mis-Amy say she will take me to the doctor sen she Doesn't mind and want to see me wen is done We drive to the doctors We need to wait until it's our turn For some unknown reason I just want to write and Draw so I take one notebook of mine And start writing and drawing those things on till the call Us for my turn as I see what draw and write I Get shivers as I see them moving slowly and I close a notebook immediately and go to get my Stitches done after an hour mis-Amy se it and say " is good to see it went we now be more careful were you what to be alone " mis-Amy take me home say bye to mis-Amy wen I open my door I got to the shower and slam my hand on the woll why is today so bad s- " we ben wait now let the fun begin " little smile aper on my neck smile and screaming with happiness I try to put my hands on my hear but it got larder for 20 minutes strait and my ears stader bleeding and the stop as the blood bune like fire burning my skin I scream in pain after 1 hour it stop but it let a burn mark on my neck the were not very Noticeable But it hurt like a hell I puch the wall hard and stard to Bleed I Put on some clothes
Bandage my hand And softly hug my dog as I cry in pain Frustration and fear..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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