I woke up to my neighbor car alarm it was at 1:36 am so I put my headphones on so I cannot hear nothing but my music. I fell asleep and I saw Darkness then a room with a letter saying 'we have found you' I was confused but I really didn't care then the page disappeared from my hand but I knew it was a dream. Then I started to see blood dripping from the ceiling and it was starting to fill up with blood on till my hip then I saw a creepy smile forming in the blood slowly starting to turn into a face with only a smile with sharp teeth it's said to me: "We are inside of you." Then I see thousands and hundred and billions of smiles popping everywhere then they all disappear then I feel something around my neck one of them started choking me I was surprised cuz I can actually feel the pain I use my arm to push it away from me then a few seconds after that I felt like I was stabbed in the back then I fell down in pain and when they were going to cut my neck off my dog jumps up of me and I was surprised. I take my headphones off and pet him I look in the mirror and see the marks on my neck I acted surprised and scared but I ignore it. Then I wash my teeth and take a shower and put my school uniform on. I make coffee then I drink it to relax myself.
({- I hope you all like chapter one second chapter will come a little bit late or tomorrow it depends and I hope you enjoy it✌😄-})
little by little the insanity comes in
Paranormalyou will see what I'm talking about soon