Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Garden

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“The abandoned garden?”

The three heroes stood outside the botanical gardens behind the Agreste mansion - where Cygnet had managed to track down from the unique butterfly-window panes she had seen in Hawkmoth's head that matched up with the stained glass windows of the majestic greenhouse.

“Hawkmoth has literally been behind my house this entire time?” Cat Noir asked in exasperation, flipping down to the glass from where he was hanging by his baton.

“It does sound a little far fetched.” Ladybug agreed as she looked back at Emma. “Are you sure this is the place you saw?”

Yep.” Cygnet responded, popping the ‘p’. She gestured to the windows. “I’ve patrolled around Paris more than a thousand times. This is the only place that has the same exact windows I saw when I got into Hawkmoth’s head.”

“Did you get to see his identity?” Cat Noir asked again, causing Cygnet to sigh.

“For the umpteenth time, Dad. No.” She deadpanned, before she caught something out of the corner of her eye and nearly tripped over her own feet. “Besides, I think we’re going to find out in a few seconds.”

It was Hawkmoth in the flesh - walking out into the middle of the greenhouse - holding his staff as he stood in the middle of the fresh plants - hundreds of silky white moths gliding gracefully around him.

For a villain, his lair was... surprisingly beautiful.

But he was still a villain, and he needed to be brought to justice.

“Ready guys?” Cygnet asked nervously - her stomach twisting with trepidation. She wondered if taking down Hawkmoth now would change the timeline; maybe change it to a place where Louis lived, where Papillon never existed.

 Or was it simply just another moment that sealed the future’s fate?

“Remember the plan?” Ladybug double-checked.

“Get in, get the butterfly miraculous, get out.” Cat Noir repeated as he twirled his baton confidently. “Don’t worry, M’lady - this cat’s got this in the bag.”

Cygnet groaned at the reminder of the plan. “Mom, are you sure I can’t fight Hawk Moth with you? Why can’t Dad be the one who sneaks up behind Hawkmoth and nab the miraculous?”

“Because I need to be with your Mom because Hawkmoth will be suspicious if he sees that there is just Ladybug and no Cat Noir.”

Both he and Cygnet stuck their tongues out at each other and Ladybug face palmed and groaned.

“I still think that we still should’ve gathered up the others.” She grumbled, but Cat Noir shook his head.

“You heard what Cygnet said: he knows our real identities. There's no telling what he’ll do if we give him any more time to prepare.” He reasoned as he stretched out his arms. “Besides - there’s no time like the present.”

And that was all the warning they gave before the two heroes smashed their way through the ceiling windows - giving Cygnet .2 seconds to blend in with the shadows in their wake as she glided into the moat part of the gardens - hanging herself underneath the platform bridge that went over the stream below.

“It’s over, Hawkmoth. Give us your miraculous.” Ladybug demanded. Cygnet heard Hawkmoth chuckle.

“Well, it seems your little birdie did manage to see into my head after all. And wherever is your daughter, Miss. Dupain Cheng?”

Cygnet could practically imagine her mother’s flinch as she heard her father’s protective growl. “She’s resting.” Ladybug recited her practiced line. “I guess reliving your most traumatic memories could do that to you.”

That was her cue.

Cygnet took a deep breath - using her ballet abs to pull her legs up and over herself until she stood rightside up on the platform bridge.

Hawkmoth hummed in agreement. “I supposed you’re correct. Though I must admit - your child shows great promise. Not many are able to resist my akumas - let alone purify them without the miraculous ladybug cure. I dare say she might even outshine the both of you.”

The soft grass provided a good cushion for her feet - silencing her footsteps further as she made her way to the three of them.

“Of course we want her to outshine us. Parents should want their children to be better than them - to teach them how to not make the same mistakes that they once did.” Cat Noir said, and Cygnet couldn’t help but notice Hawk Moth’s flinch.

“You’re right... Adrien,”

Cygnet met Ladybug’s eyes as she began to reach for the butterfly brooch.

“...that is exactly why I must do this.”

Before anyone could process what had just happened, suddenly, Hawk Moth had grabbed her wrists, and he flung her across the room. As she hit the wall of windows with enough force to shatter the glass behind her, and two others appeared from out of the shadows - restraining Ladybug and Cat Noir.

“Emma!” Ladybug groaned as she struggled. “Let me go!”

“Not so fast, Marinette.” Lila - now clan in her Volpina alter-ego - grinned. “How does it feel, Ladybug? To finally lose for once?”

Ladybug continued to struggle, but Cat Noir was still - too still.

F-father?” He stuttered. Hawk Moth nodded - though his silver eyes were solemn. “Forgive me, my son.”

Cygnet’s eyes watered at the revelation herself, but now that the ruse was over, it was time to stop messing around. “Swan song!” She cried out, and everyone stilled as she managed to run over and yank her parents out of the villain’s clutches - all three of them lining up to fight.

“This childish game is over.” Hawkmoth said, stepping up as Volpina and Mayura fell into line behind him. “I know your identities - so give us the Ladybug and Cat miraculouses so we don’t have to fight.”

“Well, that’s too bad, father.” Cat Noir hissed sarcastically as he raised his fists. “Because we’re rather in a mood for a fight.”

And then they charged.

Here's an extra little tidbit for you all: while Lila is akumatized with one of Hawk Moth's akumas, the akumatized victims don't remember anything (except in Emma's case since she purified the akuma herself). So basically, once Volpina is detransformed back into Lila, she won't remember any of the heroes' true identities.

Anyway, thanks for reading The Price of One and I hope you all have a good week!

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