Chapter Fourteen: Adrienette

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Emma! Emma! Can you hear me?


Emma groaned, blinking the darkness out of her eyes as she roused. She heard sighs of relief, and her head felt fuzzy as she slowly opened her eyes.

She was still in the park, her head in Marinette’s lap and two heads looking down at her worriedly. Emma slowly sat up with Marinette’s support and groaned - holding her hands to her temples. “What...what happened?” Emma asked as she sat up.

Marinette’s eyes furrowed in worry. “You just...passed out. You’ve been asleep for about five minutes. We were about to call 112..” She trailed off as Emma shook her off, beginning to stand up.

“I’m fine, I’m fine. Just tired,” Emma insisted as she collapsed, and Luka caught her this time. “I’m...I’m fine,” She muttered - trying to convince herself more than her friends as she fell asleep once again.

- - -

“Are you okay staying here alone, Marinette?” Luka asked as Marinette gave him a tight smile. They were at the door, Emma safely tucked into her bed and sleeping soundly. “I’m not alone,” Marinette said with a small smile. “Emma’s with me,”

Luka raised an eyebrow. Marinette sighed. “I’ll be perfectly fine, Luka. Trust me,” She said as Luka gave her a smile. “Always,” He said, and with a wave, he was gone.

Marinette sighed, locking the door as she collapsed into a desk chair that she had pulled up beside Emma’s bed - pressing a cold cloth to Emma’s forehead. Based on her temperature, Emma was running a pretty high fever. Marinette didn’t understand how Emma had gotten the strength to take a walk in the first place.

Tikki flew out from Marinette’s purse, floating in the air beside Marinette’s shoulder. “She’s going to be okay, Marinette,” The kwami tried to reassure her holder. Marinette sighed, combing a piece of hair out of her face - now wishing she had let Luka stay with her.

“I know, Tikki, but everything is happening so fast,” Marinette said, looking down at Emma. “None of this should ever happen to anyone - let alone someone as awesome as Emma.” Tikki smiled sadly. “Some of the worst things can happen to the best people,”

Marinette only nodded because she couldn’t speak. She never really thought about how lucky she really was, inside of her little bubble. She had her parents, her friends, a good school to learn in and a happy house to live in.

Soon enough, she found herself dialling a bunch of digits across her phone screen from muscle memory.

“Hello?” A male voice answered from the other line.

“Hi,” Marinette whispered - her voice breaking. “Can you...come over?”

- - -

Adrien took a deep breath as he double checked the address Marinette had sent him before knocking on the front door.

To say he was worried would be an understatement. Marinette was never like this. After she had called him, she only hung up and sent him an address and hadn’t texted him anything since. “What’s got you in a twist?” Plagg asked as Adrien bit his lip, tapping his foot nervously.

“Why would Marinette be so vague? And why is she at a random apartment? I’m just worried something horrible happened,” He said when he heard the telltale signs of a deadbolt opening. “Hide Plagg,” He hissed as the door opened to reveal a swollen-eyed Marinette.

“Marinette,” He said in alarm - his concern for the bluenette renewed. “Are you okay? What happened?”

“I’m fine,” She reassured him with a small sniffle and a smile. “I’m sorry I bothered you, it’s’re the only person I knew who cares about Emma as much as I do,” She said. Adrien’s eyes widened. “Did something happen to her?”

Marinette sighed, opening the door fully so he could see Emma sleeping - a cold compress on her head. “Is she sick? Wait..what is she doing here?” Adrien had so many questions, and he didn’t know where to begin.

She pulled out a second desk chair. “You’re going to need to sit down for this,” Adrien raised an eyebrow, but he sat down in the chair.

And she explained everything she knew: why Emma lived by herself, Emma’s brother, Emma’s parents. And when she was done, Adrien’s expression was unreadable. He turned to Emma’s sleeping form, and his eyes were filled with a newfound emotion for her: respect.

“How...I don’t..” He stuttered as Marinette sighed. “I know. She’s tougher than she looks,” She said with a small smile. Adrien chuckled. “It’s amazing how she handles it all. I don’t think I’ve ever wondered if anything was ever wrong in her life in the first place. She’s always so happy and cheerful.” He mused.

“She’s special.” Marinette decided, wiping Emma’s hair out of her face. She looked up at Adrien. “What should we do? What can we do? I mean, she’s too young to be living alone like this..” Marinette trailed off, shivering at the thought of living without her own parents.

Adrien nodded, pondering the question. “I think the only thing we can do is be around as much as we can. You know? Keep her company? I know how it feels to be alone.” He said. He didn’t say it like he wanted sympathy, but a matter of fact. That’s what bothered Marinette the most.

She put a hand on his shoulder. “Adrien, you’re not alone.” She reminded him with a smile. “You have tons of friends, and well, you’ve also got me,” Adrien gave the girl a smile. “Thanks, Marinette. You’’re a great friend.”

He said it like he always did, but a new feeling bloomed in his chest. Something like love and adoration. But it confused him, because those were the emotions that came when thinking about his lady.

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