The Ball

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Amelia POV

I was getting ready doing my hair and makeup for the Ball tonight, I am so scared like I am shaking(1 hour later) i am finally done and i start to put on my dress after 10 minutes I am ready and waiting for the limo.

I was getting ready doing my hair and makeup for the Ball tonight, I am so scared like I am shaking(1 hour later) i am finally done and i start to put on my dress after 10 minutes I am ready and waiting for the limo

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That's your dress ^^^or anything you want.

I step out if the limo and am blinded by the paparazzi. "Who are you" "who are you here with" "witch CEO are you here with"

I mentally laugh they really believe this is a Ball for CEOs, and big rich businesses little do they know it's a Ball filled with dangerous men and women. I almost feel bad for them.

I enter and look for Xavier "do you have eyes on the target" ask in my mic I smile to hide the fact that I'm talking.

"No he is not here yet" "he is going to probably going to come in with bazar and extra entrance" I say back

And with that the doors both open and tall familiar man comes in with 2 beautiful blonds with faces full of make up but I'm not one to judge.

I feel like I have seen him before somewhere but I just can't put my tounge on it.

I grab a glass of champagne of a plate a waiter was holding "im gonna need this" I say

After a while of hot men coming and speaking to me says "he still has not come to you yet" "I'm attracting everyone but him" I say "he is taking to long I will make him notice me" i say as I walk over to him. He is about to grab the last champagne on the plate and i I quickly grab it with out thinking.

He just looks at me I take a sip and put it on the table he is standing next to "I don't recommend taste cheap" I say witch puts a surprised yet entertained smirk on his face

He is about to say something then i walk away and go talk to another man  I make sure to laugh a little extra "way to get his attention" say while laughing "he has his eyes on you now" "that his just what I wanted but I mean can you blame him look at me I look hot" I say while laughing

I make sure to walk in front of him so he sees me again and go to the bar sit and wait "he is taking to long" cody says "juuust wait" and with that I hear  a deep husky voice

"I believe you owe me a drink I smirk and turn around to face him "this place is disappointing why not let me take you somewhere nice and rich" he looks amused "are you asking me on a date?" "You can call it what ever you want" as i walk away I here "what if I want to take you up on that "date" " check your pockets" I say

And walk out both doors like the bad bitch i know I am.

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