Chapter 30

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It was several days before construction in the desert resumed. After careful evaluation, Mint deemed the tunnels safe, and the blockage was cleared. The Civil Crops combed the tunnel progress and the nearby shafts, but they found no traces of anymore AIs or other creatures that could pose potential threats to the workers and the people of Portia.

Kahli was busying herself in the barn one morning when Mint appeared in the doorway.

"How's the head?" Kahli asked as she tossed a few flakes of hay to Star.

Mint smiled. "It's good," he said. "Thanks."

Kahli brushed her hands together. "You're not planning on getting stuck in that tunnel again, are you?" She grinned.

"Ah, no," Mint said sheepishly. "But I was hoping I could get your help."

"Depends," Kahli started. "I can't exactly be saving you from anymore AIs. We have a Civil Corps for that."

"Building related."

"That is something I can help you with," she said.

"I was hoping to get a driller to help speed up construction. We weren't set back too much, but we've still got a long way to go."

"I think I can manage that," Kahli said.

"I've got some blueprints of what I had in mind." Mint approached her at the table and spread out the prints. "Think you can do something like this?"

"Looks easy enough," Kahli said. "I can probably have it for you in a couple days."

Mint smiled. "Excellent. I knew I could count on you."

"I know you have many options when it comes to builders," Kahli said in a professional manner. "And we thank you for choosing Kahli Enterprises."

Mint laughed. "Well, I'd much rather give you the job than Higgins."

"Playing favorites, are we?"

Mint's cheeks turned a soft shade of pink. "Well, you did save my life."

"Hardly," Kahli said. "I just pulled you out of the way from a crazy AI."

"That sounds pretty heroic, if you ask me."

"Yeah, I guess I am a hero. I like the sound of that."

Mint laughed. "Cool," he said. "I gotta get back. But thanks for your help."

Kahli saluted him playfully. When he left, she turned her attention to the blueprints, examining them for a moment. She gathered them up, then headed into the workshop where she set to work on Mint's request.

As usual, she lost track of time as she set to work, and it was late at night when Arlo finally investigated, finding her still working away.

"Do you ever sleep?"

Kahli looked up from her workbench, her brows knit together. "What? Sleep?" She looked around her. "What time is it?"

"Almost midnight."

Kahli sighed and straightened. She stretched her arms, then tightened her ponytail. Her nose wrinkled and she sniffed.

"Oh, man," she said. "I smell like fire and grease."

Arlo grinned. "That's hot." He moved to the workbench and looked over the blueprints. "What are you working on?"

"A driller for Mint," Kahli said. "Should speed up construction on the tunnel."

"Seems like something he could have just gotten at Vega 5," Arlo commented.

Kahli shrugged. "An exchange for saving his life," she said. She smirked at Arlo. "I'm kind of a hero, you know."

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