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Jisoo was with Jinsoul as both sat in the halls,

"So you know?" Jinsoul asks as Jisoo nods.

"I kinda figured it out"

"Well, the shows about to start. I think you should go"

"What about you?"

"I'm meeting a friend" Jinsoul smiled,

"Okay, thanks Jinsoul"

"You're welcome!" Jinsoul stood up and walked away, "Good luck Kim!" She shouts before running off. Jisoo smiled and stood up before going through the door,

She saw everyone taking seats as she took the very back seat that was close to the door. The show finally started, she was entertained by the acts that signed up as she did think about it but in the end she didn't sign up. Jisoo saw a peak of blonde hair from the back of the curtain as the lights dimmed a bit to show Rosé walking to the piano.

She smiled the entire time as Rosé took the stage with Lisa by her side, She saw how Rosé was pouring her everything to this performance. Once it was coming to the end, Lisa and Rosé posed with a smile on their faces until-

"WATCH OUT!" Was heard. Bobby's experiment came flying down and splashed red paint on Rosé was a bit was on Lisa, She widens her eyes as Rosé was covered head to toe with red paint.

She saw Rosé wiped off paint from her eyes and run back stage as Lisa looked at Everyone shocked, She stood up from her seat and walked out trying to find her.

She checked the bathrooms but nothing as she saw the red footprints on the floor. She followed as the trail led to the old art room-

She opened the door as she poked her head in seeing Rosé in a chair with her face on the desk as her arms covered her, She could hear light sobs coming from the girl. She closed the door and approached the girl as she placed her hand on her back,

"Are you okay?" She lifts her head as she just looked at her, "I'm sorry" Jisoo says

"It wasn't your fault" Rosé mumbles, "Did you enjoy it?"

"Yeah, It was amazing Chaeyoung" Jisoo smiled, "It was perfect" she wasn't lying.



"I need to confess something"

"Go ahead"

"T-that performance... It was for Y-You" I knew it.

"I know" Jisoo grabbed her hand, "I knew all along Chae"


"People don't use letters and you always use pink paper. Not to mention-" Jisoo pulled out the paper and smiled, "I know you're handwriting too"

"O-oh" Rosé looked down as Jisoo stood up and leans forward to her face and kisses her cheek. Rosé blushes as Jisoo gave her an eye smile,

"I like you too Park Chaeyoung"

"Y-You do?"

"Yes" Rosé reached for the paper and took the small pen that was on her outfit and wrote down Something-

Dear Jisoo,

Thank you :)


She turned the paper to Jisoo as she read it and smiled before taking the pen and writing something down too before she turns it.

Dear Rosé,

You're welcome :)


"Wanna go watch the other performances?" Jisoo asks as Rosé nods,

"Yeah" The two walked out of the art room as across the hall was Jenlisa, But Jennie had her arms around Lisa as they kissed.

"You Bitch!" Jisoo shouts as The two broke away from each other,


"Hey guys!" Lisa smiled,

"Got a little something Manoban" Rosé smirked as she pointed at the lipstick on the girls lips,

"You lair Jen! How long?"

"Today!" Lisa says proudly as Jennie rolled her eyes,

"Anyways! You two should go inside, They're gonna announce the winners soon"

"But my outfit" Rosé looked down at the stained clothes.

"Oh! The gyms open, You can take a shower and I have extra clothes!" Lisa hands her the key to her locker,

"Thanks Lisa!"

"Oh and I have a brush and hairdryer in mine too, Just pulled it up and it'll open"

"You have a closet in that locker" Jisoo jokes

"What? I have to look good!" Jennie defends as The three went inside as Rosé took off.

"Did you like her performance?" Jennie asks as Jisoo nods,

"I loved it"

"She worked hard for you"

"I know" the three sat in the front as they waited for Rosé, It took her about 35 minutes as she arrived.

"Kim Jisoo"

Jisoo walked up from the back as she made her way on the stage, She sat on the bench that was placed for her as the lights dimmed. She looked at Rosé and smiled before looking at everyone,

Everyone was silent as Jisoo stood up and bowed as they all stood up and clapped for her.

The principal smiled and walked on stage by her, "can we have everyone that participated in stage please?" Rosé got up from her seat and made her way to the stage as they all waited for results to come in.

"That was amazing Jisoo"


"We have the results!"

"In third place is Seulgi!"

"Second place is Kim Jisoo!"

"And lastly first place is Park Chaeyoung!" Rosé stood there shocked as Jisoo hugged her,

"You won!"

"I- I really did" Rosé smiled hugging her, "I did"

Dear, Rosé Where stories live. Discover now