the plan

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"Dan seriously why?" Shouted max in anger after seeing the broken window.
"I'm sorry bro, it was an accident" he replied.
"Dan this is the 3rd time you've broken something this month, its getting to the point when we might have to kick you out"
"I'll make it up to you I promise" begged dan
"Ok, I'll think of something"

Dan lives with 6 boys. Max, tom, harry, ben, arthur and jason.
Recently dan has been letting the boys down and they are getting sick of him, after he broke a window because he was playing football/soccer.
On the other hand, there is a house full of girls which are quite close with the girls. The girls are called Kristina, becky, keira and millie.
Max and Becky are in a relationship and so see each other pretty much every day.

"Max has been do annoying recently, like today he smashed a window and is refusing to pay for it, he has also been leavingbags of coke all over the place, like we don't want it, none of us do drugs" max moaned to Becky.
"Why do you still live with him?"
"Honestly I dont know at this point, I should send him back" suggested max
Becky's face lit up.
"Babe I've got a better idea" she said excitedly.
"How about, you send him over to our house and he can live with us" explained Becky
"How will that teach him anything, like he still will be the same"
"No, like if he lives in the girls house, then he will have to be a girl right"
"Wait so you want to turn dan into a girl, how will you do that"
"Well you can send him over tonight and we can blackmail him into thinking we'll tell he police, and day by day well make him more feminine until he ends up accepting life as a girl" she explained
"That is so ridiculous it migh work"
"I know, I'm an evil genius" she said jokingly
They giggled for a bit
"Do should I send him over tonight?" asked max
"Yeah sure, next time you see him hell be a completely different person"

That evening all the boys were talking in the dining room. Everyone but Daniel knew about what was going to happen.
"Right what are we going to do tonight then" asked jason
"Wanna play cards?" Suggested Ben.
"Yeah sure, I'll get my speaker aswell" said max
Max went upstairs and came down with the speaker.
"Dan, can you go get my lead, I think I left it at Becky's house" he asked
"Come on, why can't you go get it" moaned dan
"Because you broke the window, besides it's just across the road"
"Ugh fine, last time" snapped dan
"Its your first time aswell" joked max.

Dan left the boys house and crossed the road to knock on the girls door.
The door opened and dan walked in.
Keira shut and locked the door behind her.
"Oh I'm not staying, I'm just getting a charger for max"
"Oh girlie yes you are" she said cunningly
"Huh, no I'm not, and why did you call me girlie?" He asked
"Well your staying with us now, I should make you feel welcome"
At that point, the other 3 girls walked in.
"Hi, Daniel, max told me your coming round" said Becky
"Yeah, to get his charger, Keira seems to think I'm staying here now" explained Daniel
"You are though, he has his charger"
"What?" Shouted Daniel angrily
"No need to shout, I'll explain everything, teh boys are sock of you not taking responsibility for anything and today was the last straw, so they sent you here to live for a bit" said Becky whilst smiling
"I'm going home" snapped Daniel as he turned around but the door was locked.
"You're already home though" said Kristina laughing
"Should I take you to your room?" Asked Becky
"I'll call the police, you cant do this, its kidnapping" claimed Daniel
"Well technically no because the owner of the house is ok with this and I have the paperwork saying that he has the right to do this as you live at his house for free, and it has your signature, also I dont think all those drugs would go down well with the police" said Becky
Daniel was panicking
"Now then, your room?"
"Fine, how long will I be here?"
"At least a month, if your bad then more, or you might like girl life" laughed Becky
"What was that?" Snapped dan
"Oh nothing, and here it is, your wardrobe is there, your dresser is here, in my opinion its much nicer than your old room" Becky said whilst showing him his new room.
"What about my stuff, clothes, and everything else" asked dan
"Oh dont worry about that, weve figured that out already, take a look in your wardrobe"
A sudden drop in Daniel's heart was felt as he opened the wardrobe to see female clothing.
"What the fuck, I cant wear this, it's for girls!" Shouted dan
"Erm language, you can wear this and you will, your living in the girls house so you are a girl" explained Becky
"But I'm a boy not a girl"
"No, your a girl from now on, I think we should call you danielle"
"No please, please let me be a boy"
"I'm sorry danielle but you're living in the girls house now meaning your a girl, now get changed"
"You can't force me!"
"I can and I will, also if you carry on arguing it will be 2 months"
That scared Daniel to death
"Fine, can you atleast tell me what I should wear"
"Sure, millie, come help danielle with her clothes"
Becky, Kristina and Keira left millie and dan to go through the clothes.

"Just put this on for tonight with these, give me your clothes you're wearing now aswell" demanded millie holding some clothes.
When ben took them he realised that it was a pink nightie and some undergarments.
"Do I have to, like seriously" he begged
"Just get changed now"

5 minutes later dan came out of the bathroom with tears down his face wearing the nightie and bra and panties.
"Aww, danielle you look so pretty, let's show the others"
The two of them went down stairs to show the other 3 girls.
"There she is, our beautiful danielle" said Keira
Dan stayed silent.
"When you get a compliment you say thank you like a good girl" snapped Becky
"Ok, thank you Keira" sobbed dan
"Now go to bed, weve got alot to teach you about girl world" ordered Becky
"But its only 8 o clock" said dan
"True, I guess you can stay up with for a  few hours, come here"
Daniel did as she said and went over.
"So danielle, ever tried makeup" asked Kristina
"Oh, we could paint your nails now, you'd look so pretty" suggested Keira
"No its fine" responded Daniel
"No, millie, get some nail polish, we need to make our girl feel beautiful" said Becky

The girls painted Dan's nails in a nice pretty pink colour.
After humiliating hima  bit more he went to bed dreading what would be happening the next day.

(Ok so I would like to apologise for deleting the other two stories, I just and no enjoyment from writing them anymore and I didn't want to leave them unfinished, but now with the new lockdown I have nothing to do, the style might be a bit poor at the moment but within a few chapters I hope to get back to what I was like in the summer, hope you enjoy and defo will be more chapters, leave some ideas on what the girls can do to danielle tomorrow)

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