trying it out

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They got and Daniel went straight to his room. Kristina followed.
"Hi danielle, you forgot some of your things, danielle?" She asked worryingly seeing dan laying on the bed crying.
"Please leave me alone"
"No, what's wrong, I want to help" she said now sitting down
"If you did you would let me be a boy again, instead I'm a girl, a stupid girl"
"I'm sorry but I have no say in this, but you said yourself that you kind of like it"
"I'm impressed, I don't want to look like this though, I don't want any of this, and now I ahve to stay like this until February, can you see why I'm angry"
"Of course I can, I wouldn't like to be a boy, but I can't do anything and I don't think Becky is going to change her mind"
"Yeah, that's the problem, and now I have to dress as a total slut to a Halloween party"
"Yeah, but look on the bright side, your away from the boys, Becky is just trying to help you because you were going down a bad path"
"Yeah but still, isn't this a but much"
"I think so but not my choice, anyway I think you look amazing, if you don't mind me saying"
"Really, thanks"
He sat up and smiled a bit
"Yeah, you look really pretty, and you don't seem to mind the clothes and makeup"
"No I dont, apart from the costume, its just that I'm now a girl, I don't want to be one"
"Ok, well I don't know what to do except from help you fit in, I think Becky will become a little less crazy with you if you start accepting it more, and by the looks of this you are"
"You think, so if I pretend to like being a girl she will let me do my own thing more" asked Daniel
"Ok, I'll do that then"
"Great, just try and accept it, it will make it alot easier and if you accept it  you might enjoy it"
"Ok I'll try"
"Great, now then I have some things that we got when you were getting your makeup done"
She handed him 2 bags.
One had the rest if the makeup that he already didn't have and the second one had a few clothes in.
"Just put these away and chill for a bit, honestly I know it doesn't seem like it but you will actually like being a girl, you already look like one and that's good"
Kristina left the room and dan went through the bags.

"Just put these away and chill for a bit, honestly I know it doesn't seem like it but you will actually like being a girl, you already look like one and that's good""Thanks"Kristina left the room and dan went through the bags

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And a pair of tights

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And a pair of tights.
He didn't really care and put them away and tried to get some sleep.

"Agh!" He screamed waking up 2 hours later.
"Danielle are you ok?" Asked millie rushing in.
"Yeah I'm fine, I just had a bad dream"
"Aww, come on what happened?"
"No, I promise I'm fine"
"Dani I won't tell, I just want to make sure your ok" she said calmly
"Well it's just with all this, and in my dream i went back to my parents, and they kicked me out"
"Awwww, danielle, are your parents transphobic or something"
"I don't know, but I don't want them to see me like this"
"I understand, I mean they might not, you just won't be a girl forever, after February you can go back to being a boy if you want"
"Yeah, but I was talking to Kristina earlier and she persuaded me to try and accept it"
"Really, what so actually accept beings  girl for a few months"
"Oh, well if you do come to like it then were all here for you, and if you're parents dont want you, I'd be happy to let you stay with me"
They hugged for a few seconds.
'God I really am a girl now' he thought during it.
Dan no longer felt like a boy but he didn't like it.
"Now do you want to come downstairs, Keiras making dinner tonight, its meatballs" she asked

They both sat in the living room with Kristina and Becky
"Hey you two" said Becky
"Hi" responded dan
"So danielle, I know we tried this the other night but I'd like to try again" said Becky
"Er ok"
"So, I want to teach you to speak liek a girl, you know like have a girls voice"
"Fine, I guess I am one"
The girls smiled a bit
"Ok, now just raise the pitch of your voice a bit"
Dan obliged and raised it, he still didn't sound like a girl but less masculine.
"Brilliant, now the just make it sound a little more natural, still high pitch but a bit softer"
He did so and actually sounded quite feminine.
"Oh that was great Danielle, you sound pretty" complimented Kristina
"Now say that with your girl voice"
"Great, in a few weeks I think you would get there" said Becky
They continued to talk for a bit and dan realised something. Kristina was right, it was obvious that he was accepting being a girl and Becky and the rest of the girls were a little less harsh on him.
He actually enjoyed being around the girls for the first time since he moved into the house.

"DINNER!" shouted Keira
They all sat round to eat.
"Thanks Keira, this is really good" said dan
"Thanks danielle, I hoped you would like it" she responded

After eating, dan had another shower to wash off his makeup. He found it difficult washing his hair now it was long but managed it.
He got changed into his nightie and stayed in bed all evening.

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