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"you're really cute, you know that?"

felix was caught off guard by the sudden compliment. he could feel heat flowing through his ears and cheeks, colouring them with a tint of red. he also scratched the back of his neck out of habit, but mostly because he was embarrassed.

"oh sorry, i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. i just couldn't help it." realizing what he did, chan quickly apologized for his abrupt manner. one thing chan is bad at is that he tend to be too bold when it comes to complimenting people that it might came out wrong. in fact, that was the reason why he avoided getting into relationships.

"oh no, it's okay. but thank you though, it made me feel better about myself." felix shyly said, his eyes looking everywhere except chan's eyes which made the older chuckle.

hyunjin watched the whole thing in envy. he hated the fact that he's jealous seeing chan complimenting felix on their first meeting. he knew felix longer than him, yet he never complimented the younger in fear of making him uncomfortable.

though, hyunjin is confused why he would get jealous at this. is it because he was scared that chan would grow closer to felix and both of them will leave him for each other? is it because he felt like it's unfair for chan to know felix better than him despite their short period of time of knowing each other? is it because felix makes him feel some type of way and he was just being dramatic?

realizing that he was too deep into his thoughts, he decided to snap out of it and focus on today's objective. "anyways, should we get going?" he abruptly interrupts the awkward silence, earning a nod from both chan and felix. they warmed up for a bit and started jogging at the same pace.

"so, felix. your name sounds foreign, where are you from?" chan started off the conversation casually and felix smiled. "australia." he shortly replied. hyunjin listened to their talk but decided to stay quiet.

"no way, what a coincidence! i'm also from there." chan exclaimed exitedly, his grin grew twice as big. felix was of course surprised, he really didn't expect they had such similarities. the older then continued the conversation, happy to find out that they share a lot of things in common.

hyunjin felt left out when he heard the other two talk about their life back in australia and at this point he just feels invisible. felix seems so happy as he opens up about his childhood with chan, something hyunjin never really knew of.

it makes him feel like the younger wasn't comfortable enough yet to talk about his life to hyunjin and that thought made him sad. he thought during their first weeks of being friends, he could at least know just a little bit of felix's background but the talk never really happened. he glanced at the two and just smiled through the pain when they laugh together.

hyunjin doesn't think he could handle anymore of this. it hurts to see the one you're starting to care for is opening up to a whole new person instead of yourself. he thought of a way to flee for a bit and finally stopped on his track, but still running in place.

"uh guys, do you mind if i pick up the pace a bit? i'm trying to finish five laps today. you guys can continue your talks, let's just meet again at the starting point as usual." hyunjin alarmed the two aussies.

"oh my gosh, sorry if we're holding you back. we kinda got distracted." chan apologized immediately when he realized what he had been doing is putting pressure on hyunjin.

"oh no, it's okay hyung. though, i should really get going, we don't have much time left. see you later." the younger quickly sprinted off, furthering himself away from the other two.

felix didn't even have the time to say anything when hyunjin just left him like that. he wondered why the older suddenly wanted to leave when they were just casually getting to know each other. frankly speaking, felix was kinda hurt by that, but he didn't want to make neither chan or hyunjin worry so he kept on a smile.

"so, shall we keep going?" chan suggested and felix just nodded as he smiled sweetly, causing the older to smile back. the two continued to jog at their own pace, chan slowing down so felix doesn't feel pressured.

"ah, hyung. i'm sorry but i have never been able to really finish a lap so you can just go ahead, i'll probably stop for now." panting, felix let his legs slow down and eventually stop. he held onto his knees and tried his best to stabilise his breathing.

"oh, are you alright? i'm not gonna continue so i'll walk you back to the starting point, don't worry." chan said softly as he spare a look of concern while patting the other's back. felix looked up and smiled, thanking the older in advance.


hyunjin jogged for a while, finishing one extra lap than his actual daily goal. it was more like his way of escape from reality for a while, at the same time pushing away all his thoughts earlier.

as he reached the starting point he could see the two boys sitting at the bench, eating ice cream and laughing. he slowly approached them, panting from running the past hour.

"oh hyunjin, you made it!" felix exclaimed, excited to see the taller again. he turned around as if he was looking for something and turned to face him again, holding out a chocolate ice cream. "here you go, i got one for you too." he smiled.

hyunjin couldn't help but to return the sweet smile from the younger, also amused at the fact that he had a bit of ice cream stuck on the side of his lips. felix looked like he had no idea and the older find it cute.

"thanks lix. also, you kinda got a little something there." hyunjin took the ice cream as he pointed his finger near felix's lips. the younger was quick to wipe it off as he blushed out of embarassment. he let out a soft whispery 'thanks' and looked down to the floor, nibbling his ice cream again.

"so... are we all done now? should we walk back home?" hyunjin and felix almost forgot that there was a third person with them, not until chan spoke up. they all agreed immediately and they head back home, leaving the park.

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