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after a few weeks, felix found himself getting more closer and comfortable with both chan and hyunjin but sadly, hyunjin didn't see it like that.

while felix thinks he's maintaining a good strong friendship with the two, hyunjin thinks that felix's interests is leaning more towards chan and it made him feel sad.

maybe it's the way they talk, or maybe it's the way they joke around each other a lot but to hyunjin, they seemed very close.

and that's what he wanted with felix.

unfortunately, the more he spends time with the two, the more left out he felt. chan is always talking and leading the talk and felix just follows and they just clicked so well with each other.

so, this caught most people's attention due to chan's popularity. since then, a lot of rumors had been going around between the two and it eventually reached both hyunjin and jisung.

hyunjin is well aware that he can't do anything about it because the rumors might just become true one day, and until then he will be dreading. why out of anyone, chan is the one that's involved in this?

if it were someone else, hyunjin would have no trouble telling them to keep a fair distance from felix but it's chan we're talking about, one of his best friends. he wouldn't want to betray any of them.

wait a second, why would you tell people to stay away from felix? hyunjin mumbled to himself. he didn't realize he had been acting like felix is someones special to him or something. i mean, that can't happen right?

chan likes felix, and felix probably likes him back so there's really nothing he could do other than watch them with envy.

there was one day where he spotted chan ruffling felix's hair and it kind of made a crack in his heart. he knows how much the younger loves it when people play with his hair, but seeing chan doing that to him makes him sad.

hyunjin found himself trying to distance himself little by little from felix but he could never avoid him fully. they still go on daily jogs, but hyunjin would mostly avoid making conversations.

most of the time he would just turn the other way if he sees felix walking his way just because he wants to avoid seeing him.

he doesn't know how much it bothered felix, but he just hoped that this weird feeling he's having towards the younger would be gone once the rumour becomes true. that way, he could move on and maybe be happy for both chan and felix.

jisung on the other hand was beyond devastated. when he heard the rumor at first, he denied it and said that he trusts felix with all his heart. he would've never thought his best friend would do such things to him.

but when he saw it with his own eyes, he felt like his world had fallen apart.

he saw chan ruffling felix's hair in a friendly manner and both of them laughed at something the younger said. they kept on hitting each other's shoulders playfully and even though it didn't hurt them, it hurts jisung the most.

he had never trusted anyone more than felix and seungmin, but seeing all of this made him mad, furious and even confused. felix knew about his crush on chan but why did he do this? why did he has to betray his trust like this?

sadly, jisung loves felix too much. he wouldn't be able to confront him about how hurt he is even though he wants to. their friendship meant everything to him and he would be sadder if it's ruined because of his petty issue.

seungmin realized that jisung had been taking time off their regular hangouts and kept coming up with excuses that he's busy. but he knows deep down that the older is hurting really badly, and he wanted to help him out.

he tries to be there for jisung whenever he felt like belittling his own feelings and emotions. seungmin kept telling him that his feelings matter and shouldn't be pushed away just so that he can move on. he knows jisung isn't the type to move on easily.

seungmin also talked to felix about it and he was surprised to find out that the older was well aware of what's happening.

felix knew he took the wrong step when he got too comfortable with chan that he didn't realize he was hurting his own best friend. whenever their eyes meet, he could see the sadness with a tint of anger in the older's eyes, and it hurted felix too.

he found out those ridiculous rumors had been going around the school and he denied everything about it. not only is he rumored to be dating chan, but he is also wildly accused of using chan for clout.

thinking about this makes felix really sad since he had no one to talk to about it. jisung didn't want to interact with him at all, seungmin is always with jisung most of the time and hyunjin is also avoiding him.

he wished jisung knew that he would never have feelings for chan when his heart is already occupied with a certain someone. he wished that the older realized that it wasn't his intention to hurt him.

"hey, you alright?"

felix was brought out of his trance when a voice entered his head. he faced the older and sighed as a frown makes its way onto his lips.

"hyung, i feel bad." he whispered out, his eyes on the verge of tears. the other noticed and rubbed his back, ready to listen further to what he has to say.

"it's sad to see that whenever i try to make friends, bad things always happen to the people around me. do i always bring bad luck to the people i love?" felix mumbled out, his lips pouting little by little.

he knows he can't mention anyone's name right now but it did hurt him knowing that the ones he loves are avoiding him for no reason. he just doesn't know what he did wrong.

chan quickly engulfed the younger in a hug and calmed him down. he doesn't like seeing felix like this, and he understands how much the rumor had affected them both.

it didn't take him long to realize that he actually sees felix as a little brother instead of a love interest. the freckled boy is just so kind and soft that he just felt the urge to protect him but he found out that his heart was beating for someone else.

when they broke the hug, felix thanked chan and head to the library to spend his free period. chan was left there by the locker, the empty hallway is the only thing accompanying him.

but before he could walk away, he felt eyes on him and he turned his head instinctively to see a face that previously held a pair of sad eyes looking at him, shocked.

the smaller boy realized he was caught staring and immediately ran away from chan's sight. he can't let the older see him like this but he couldn't help stopping by when he saw the two boys hug. how pathetic can you be? he cursed himself.

he was about to take a turn at the corner when he was stopped by someone holding onto his wrist. he felt his breath hitched and for some reason, he could tell who it was without looking at the person.

he slowly turned around to face the other and his whole world just stopped.

"hey, jisung right?"

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