chapter 1

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Y/n pov

As i stand infront of my new school with my mother behind me seeing as they need to help me pack everything into my new dorm sadly i have a guy for a roomie but i guess thats fine apparently all the girls dorms where full and only one guy didnt have a roomie so this probs how it feels to suck sometimes "Y/N come on lets go to your new dorm and no getting touchy with your roommate" Mother said "yes mother"I reply back and we start walking to the place where all the dorms are

As i got to my new dorm room i knock but no one is in their so i walk in seeing one side is already taken i just shrug and put my bag down and mother puts the only box i need down "Good riddance i can finally get rid of you now bye and behave"she says and leaves all i do is close the door and fall down on my new found bed i would like to call this home but i cant seeing as it doesnt feel like home its empty or whatever as i sat back up i look around the room and there i see a stack of manga's he must like reading oh well time to get everything out and all that then i should sleep i need my 5 am run mother keeps tabs on me and with that i start unpacking

As im almost done packing the door to the room opens and i turn around and honkey donkey with a slide of flonkey is this man hot oms what am i thinking bad Y/N bad "Hi"i say and look away from him "Hello i am ushjima wakatoshi"he says (a/n sorryyy i forgot how to spell and forgot the name ppl call him so imma just keep it with ushjima) i give a slight nod "Y/N S/N"i say and he goes to his bed as im done i grab my pj's and i go to the bathroom taking along shower while crying in it

As i got out i dried myself and put my pj's on and i go out and head to bed after drying my hair i turn to see ushjima-san sleeping already then i look at the time its 10pm thats to late i need to wake up tomorrow and i put my alarm on to wake up early but most of the night ushjima-san wouldnt leave my train of thoughts so about after 11pm i fell asleep

As my alarm went off playing girl put your records on (change if you want) i stir awake and quickly put it off with a groan i get up to see ushjima-san is also up "good morning ushjima-san" i say "morning Y/N-san" he says "Im sorry if i woke you up i was just about to go for my morning jog"I say and get up he does the same thing but i got distracted when i noticed he slept without a shirt "sweet gravy sauce i wouldnt mind liking and abasing that body of yours"i thought "please refrain from saying stuff like that"he said and at that i realized i said it outloud "shit im sorry dont take it the wrong way it wasnt a confession it just slipped you have a nice body thats all but sorry if it made you uncomfortable"i say and grab my clothes and run into the shower dying from second hand embarrassment

After my shower i got tied up my hair and put on my shoes it seems ushjima-san is long gone must have morning practice or something ugh why do i even care oms i need to run now and with that i got out and closed the door and locked it and went to grab a quick energy bar. After that i ran outside and started my jog and put on my music starting the jog off with wap to hype myself up

After my jog it was about 6 am so i rushed back in and got ready for my first day of school and damn am i nervous after my second shower i ran and got to class seeing as it was 6:30 and i like to read before class and i dont know the place but once i found my class seeing as i was an advance student and did third year course with math and english the rest was second year classes but being a second year shouldnt be that bad as but as i opend the door the voice thing talked saying i need to go to the principals office danmit i didnt do anything...yet still not the point i look at my teacher and he nods

As i got to the principals office i knock and hear a come in i went in and saw a old looking dude and the principal "Y/N plz take a seat for me" he says and i sit down "You might be wondering what you are doing here but let me assure you you arnt introuble the coach here would like you to be the manager of his team seeing as they need one disparately and you dont have much of a choice so you will be at their practice after school"the principal said and all i did was nod with that i was dismissed

As i went into math class this was with the third years oh joy what a pain in the ass this will be the teacher touches me at the small of my back and immediately i felt uncomfortable so i walked fast away from him all eyes staring at me then the teacher walked in"everyone this is the new second year student please welcome her and please introduce yourself to the class"the teacher says "Im Y/N"i say and then there was silence as i scan the room i see ushjima-san and a red head that looks like a lizard next to him he looks cool "well Y/N plz take a seat next to tendou and ushjima"the teacher says and the red head sticks up his hand and i see a seat between them is open damn how did i not see it before

As i sit down and the teacher began his lecture and i felt someone tap me i turn to see him "hi im Tendou and that is mirical boy ushjima next to you and dont mind the teacher hes like that to all the girls a pain in the ass but still if he bothers you just tell us"he says and i nod at him and give him a smile and i turn away and focus back on class

As class ends it was the end of the day danmit now to get changed and be there before the team before anyone can say anything i sprint out of the class room and run to the dorm room i unlock it and then put my gym outfit on and lock the door and run to the gym no one was so i set up the net and took the bottles to full them up when i got back i see the team and the coach there the coach sees me shit "Welcome Y/N guys this is our new manager Y/N introduce yourself" the coach says "im Y/N" i say with a bow and i look back up to see tendou with a smile and a confused team and an ushjima with no emotional face wtf did i get into

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