chapter 2

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Y/N pov
!warning slight bulling! Will put bold letters if you wish to skip till bulling is done #

As practice started coming to their brake i went and refilled their bottles i was busy when three guys came over to me but i ignored them and keep filling the bottles the boys where out for their last run then they get a brake then practice ends and its close to 6pm so its getting pretty late but as i hear the guys again they where right behind me

Start of bully piece

"Oi you new girl" one of them say and i turn around and look at them "yes?" I asked questioning them "do our homework seeing as you want to be smart and have two advance classes then dress like your asking for it" dude one said and he pissed me off wtf who does he think he is "No" i say and cross my arms over my chest and popped my hip out standing to show i wont take shit "i wont do your fucking homework"i say and then i got slapped in the face and hard damn thats ganna leave a bruise "Do it you slut" dude 2 says and they smack me again this time on the other cheek "I said no" i say still not hitting them just yet as he was about to hit me the third time i wait i close my eyes and wait for impact but it never came i open my eyes and look up to see ushjima-san holding the dudes wrist while tendou is infront of me
End of bully thing sorry bad at writing this kind of stuff.
"Didnt your parents teach you not to hit a lady"tendou asked and ushjima stared them down the guys looked at eachother and the one dude ripped his hand out of ushjima-sans grasp and they left with a whatever "thank you"i say and pick up the bottles "are you okay your face has a bruise how many times did they hit you"ushjima-san asked but it didnt sound like he cared "im fine its just a bruise"i say and tendou picked up some bottles to help me and ushjima gave me a nod "well then lets gooo"tendou says and we all head back to the gym

Its been a few days sence the guys hit me but it didnt stop they came back and they did it again i was left with alot of bruises but i refuse to fight back why cuz i wont ill wait till the moment is right but i was in the bathrooms right now putting on some make up to hide my bruises they hurt like a bitch but hopefully the team wont see the shiner i got..bloody hell why do i let people do this to me again.. Oh wait ik its cuz of mother keeping tabs on me oh well as i left the bathroom i see the coach at the gym the boys must be out for their run "sorry im late coach something came up it wont happen again" i say and bow "its fine Y/N but why do you have so much make-up on" coach asked and i shrugged him off seeing as i dont wanna explain it

As the boys came back the net was setted up and the bottles where filled up so everything was fine until Tendou started asking questions about my make-up seeing as me and the team got pretty close i call them my family and im happy to have them i got closer to ushjima-san he seems to be very good with English i mean i might be advance but i still struggle and now and then he helps me with math so i would say we are good friends "Y/N whats with all that make-up did something happen" Tendou asked and the rest of the team looked at me "I just felt like it" i say
"Y/N-san please refrain from wearing makeup it will not only damage your skin it looks ugly while so full of it you look better without it"he says still as blunt as ever "Y/N why dont you let me do your makeup" semi asked and i instantly shook my head saying no and coach made them get back to practice but they where still pushy

As i got out of practice i sprint to the dorm room hoping to get there before ushjima-san and then whipe this stupid makeup off i hate it i really do as i got to the door i unlock it then lock it and went to take a shower and then put on my pj's and got in bed pretending to sleep seeing as ushjima-san doesnt really bother me but i forgot tendou was comeing over so when the door opend tendou came in and knew i wasnt sleeping danmit "Why Y/N why are pretending to sleep we have a project we have to do in English"Tendou says shit i instantly sit up forgetting about my bruises and rushed to get my book but ushjima-san stopped me shit

"Y/N-san why are you coverd in bruises has someone been hitting you"ushjima-san asked and all i did was brake down for some stupid reason and out of no where ushjima-san pulled me into a hug and let me cry in his chest witch was wierd but tendou must have told him to and with that i fall asleep

Ushjima pov

As Y/N falles asleep in my chest after crying i put her in bed i felt worried for her but got a strange feeling in my stomach what is this feeling and she hasnt been leaving my head i will ask tendou "tendou" i say he looks at me "yes ushjima"he replied back "i think im sick" i say "and why do you think so"he asked with a strange look "i have a wierd tummy feeling when im around Y/N and i seem to think about her alot" i say and tendou starts to smile "Whaaa does our merical boy have a little crush on our little manager here"tendou says and i look at him questionably "a crush means your falling for someone"he half sings "then when Y/N wakes up i shall tell her"i say "oh no ushjima dont do that wait a while okay"Tendou says and all i do is nod at him and he left and i got in bed and fell asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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