The waltz

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As the dimly lit ballroom echoed with music that overpowered the sound of soft steps being taken with noblemen and ladies dancing. Those who weren't dancing were fixated on two specific people dancing in the middle of the room. They danced with ease swaying in each other's arms leading everyone to assume they were hopelessly in love, and those who didn;t believe that believed it was a stunt pulled by the king. Regardless of what people thought, none knew the true answer for why they were there. As the woman's long gown glided across the marbled floor, the man calmly took lead. They danced in sync with the music almost as if in the sky. Slowly the room became quieter, everyone enjoying the music and the two stranger's dancing in the middle of the room.

"There's a lot more you could do with your life instead of planning my death, Anne." The young man whispered into her ear sending shivers down her spine.

"Oh trust me William, This is going to be the night to remember. For the both of us. Too bad where you'll be going won't need memories. Be a good boy and I'll go easy on you." She smirked as she matched the tone the man had been carrying. William chuckled lightly as he spun her, noticing all the attention they were receiving.

"Aw Dear, it seems you're too caught up with yourself. Surely you don't think that I would let you kill me without a little fight, do you? He scoffed back a reply as he held her close, amused with all the attention they were getting from the noblemen who were now dancing around them.

"Might I say though, you do look mighty ravishing in this gown. It fits your body perfectly. I've never seen it in any of the stores. Is it from out of country? Or is it perhaps an Anne Rose Original?" He asked in an almost sarcastic tone as she rolled her eyes refusing to answer. "Regardless, I cannot wait for it to be covered in your own blood. I'm sure the gold will blend in with it nicely." He lowered his voice to almost nothing as he said it. Her eyes widened slightly as she listened before quickly regaining her composure just as he dipped her. "William, the only blood we will be seeing tonight is your own." He shook his head while keeping a smirk.

"You're quite cocky tonight, aren't you?" He asked with a hum as she ignored him. Truth be told she was cocky. She had gotten a new blade just for tonight. It was nicer than her old one and had a gold and purple handle. She was excited to see it in his abdomen. As the night went on along with the bickering, noblemen continued to dance around them. William held her close to his chest and she could hear his heartbeat pound slowly. She was amazed at how calm he was during such a high tense situation.

"Now we both know why we're here. We've obviously been sent to do the same thing, but the question is... Who will win?" His chuckle echoed from his body to her. His hand that had been resting on her lower back had now found its way up to her neck. He softly brushed her curly brown hair out of the way and lifted her chin up. He whispered under his breath, face close to her ear. "Tell me Anne, I've never failed a mission so who's stopping me from succeeding in this one." He scoffed as she roughly stepped on his voice. He squeezed her as he regained his composure before the nobles could notice what had happened.

"Now now. Let's act like the rational adults we are. I'll let go of you soon." She looked down at the floor, holding in the urge to scream out and kill him there. Truth be told she was scared. William was much more experienced and was stronger than she.

Almost as if he had read her mind he responded. "Don't lose hope just yet, Anne. I'd hate to beat a dead horse." He dipped her once more as she tensed up once more.

"Getting cocky now, William?" He laughed as noblemen twirled their dates, starting to talk, laugh, and joke as the music slowly ended and a new song started. "The ball will be coming to an end soon. I hope you're ready for your demise." He twirled her, admiring the way her dress moved.

"Will I receive a kiss for good luck before finishing the job?" He joked as they slowly stopped dancing. "Respectfully, If you come near my face I will bite your tongue off." She smiled as he laughed.

"Just don't get too ahead of yourself, Anne." He said sarcastically as he led her out of the ballroom dodging people. "Whatever makes you happy, William."

word count: 821  

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