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Kaminari's POV-

Looking around the corner, I see the building the League Of Villains is supposed to be hiding in. It was a grey, one-story, building, with street lamps in front of it. It didn't look suspicious, not even dark. I guess they learned from last time.

"OK, Kaminari, Momo, and I will go in first." Midoryia started, once again explaining the plan. "We will scout out and if the villains are there, you guys will sneak in while we keep them distracted." He finished.

"And if they aren't there? What do we do then, kero?" Asui asked. She had her hand up to her chin and her head tilted.

"Then you follow behind us, a little farther back just in case," Midoryia said. His face looked serious and his hair hid his eyes under a shadow. He looked scary, which until now, I thought was impossible.

Midoryia then leads us forward, to the villain's base. Sneaking through the door, we listen to see if anyone was there. Not hearing anything, we continue. As we walk down the hall, we don't come in contact with any villains, which both made me relieved and scared.

We came across a hallway that looked infinite and was lit up by fluorescent lights. There were no doorways. It was just continuous grey walls. I ran forward, trying to get to the end of the hall, passing the empty walls.

I abruptly stop in my tracks as I see two vertical lines on the wall next to me. They are in the shape of a door. I continue to pry it open with the tips of my fingers. Eventually, I'm able to open it. I walk in right when my friends catch up to me and yell my name. I quickly turn around and see my friend's worried faces as the door slams shut behind me. Then everything went black.


Opening my eyes, I find myself in a white room with four hallways. It's the same place as my dream. One hallway is in front of me, one behind me, and two to my right. The wall on my left was blank. I assume that was where the door was.

Remembering the rest of my dream, I run down the hall that was behind me, knowing Bakugou was there. I run down the white hallway, trying to gain some time before the other guy got here. I then see the black door come into view. I see the white swirls and the abnormal golden doorknob. Reaching it, I throw open the door and quickly slip through before it slammed back into the doorway.

Bakugou was knelt on his knees from a chain and was still unconscious, just like in the dream. Blood dripped to the floor and a small pool was already on the floor below him. I ran over and shook his shoulders, trying to wake him up. But to no prevail, Bakugou stayed unconscious. "Bakugou, come on, please wake up," I whispered frantically as I shook Bakugou a little harder. It probably wasn't the smartest since he was bleeding but at the moment, I was scared and wanted to get him out of here.

I inspected the chains and saw it needed a key. I looked around the room but nothing was in here besides Bakugou. I couldn't break the chains so I tried pulling. I tried to pull the chains from the ceiling with all my might, but it didn't work. Before I could even take my hand away, I was pushed to the ground. I couldn't move whatsoever and knew I was too late. The man in the black cloak stood in front of Bakugou. "No, please!" I yelled as I struggled against the paralysis.

"Don't try to move, it won't do anything." The man said. The palm of his hand glowed a bright blue and he lifted it, ready to strike. I didn't know what to do. My mind went a mile a minute and I couldn't process anything that was going on. The only thing I knew was that Bakugou was in trouble and I couldn't do anything.

The light grew brighter as the man in the cloak got ready to attack Bakugou. "NO!" I screamed. Right before the man could attack Bakugou the door was once again slammed open and he was thrown to the side. He hit the ground and swiftly got to his feet. I looked over and saw Kirishima, Midoryia, Todoroki, and Mina all at the door, their quirks activated.

"Guess we're a little late to the party," Mina said, a smirk on her face. She then ran forward and helped me to my feet. Actually, scratch that, she carried me. The others ran up to me to help Mina and fend off against the man in the cloak. Kirishima went over to Bakugou and broke the chains with his hardened fists. Bakugou would've fallen to the ground if Kirishima hadn't caught him.

"Kirishima, Mina, get them out of here, we can handle this guy," Todoroki muttered, loud enough for only us to hear. The two nodded and carried us out of the room. My feet dragged and my head lolled as I was still paralyzed. all I could see was the ground and the shuffle of Mina's feet. I could only think of how useless I've been, even though this was my idea. How I just let the man in a cloak almost kill Bakugou. I could feel a tear fall down my cheek before I could stop it and held the rest in.

"Where do we go from here?" Mina asked. "We can't fight, not like this." She gestured to Bakugou and me as we walked. Well, Kirishima and Mina walked, Bakugou and I were carried.

"We'll avoid fighting at all costs, just focus on getting outside." Mina nodded and fixed my position in her arms. We then continued on. Soon we made it outside without running into anyone. Why was the villain base so empty?

Once outside, Bakugou and I were propped against a building nearby. "We'll just have to wait for the pros to arrive, I have faith in the others," Mina said. Kirishima nodded as they sat in front of us

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