Prolouge Part 1

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In The Village Hidden in the Leaves otherwise known as Konoha people are thriving, everyone is having a good time. Why you may ask? It's simple, today is the anniversary of Konoha's Victory over the demon Fox: Kyuubi no Kitsune. Now if everyone is having a good time why would are resident whiskered faced blonde have a frown on his face. Well he was kicked out of the orphanage, at Six years old. Sheesh.

As far as Naruto knew everyone hated him, well other than the funny old man in some weird robe. But Naruto didn't let it get to him, He just read his books and minded his own business. Now Naruto is normally a very happy and optimistic boy but right now.....
"C'mon what did I even do wrong d'tbanne! All I do is mind my own business, and that old hag kicks me out!"
Yeah not today..
With his hands in his pockets Naruto listens to the words of the people around him,.
"Demon spawn"
"Why doesn't be just die!"
"Damned Fox"

What did I ever do to these people, to be so mea-
Naruto never got to finish his train of thought because he felt a sharp pain to the neck
Dang... It....
3 Hours later

"Uhh man... what happened?"
Groggily waking up, first thing Naruto realized was that he wasn't alone. He was met with the grinning faces of the villagers. Then the next thing he realized was that he was chained up to a wall.
I'm outside, and is it raining? Naruto thought.
Now normally any other child who was in this position would have screamed and tried his absolute hardest to get away. But unfortunately Naruto has gotten so used to this that he knows screaming will not doing good.
"So you finally woke up demon." Screeched out a pink haired monke- errrr woman.
Wincing slightly from the sound of her voice, Naruto realized there were a whole lot less people than normal.
"I don't understand why you people always do this to me!" Naruto sorrowfully screamed out.
"Why you say? WHY? It's because you killed hundreds of people you stupid brat!" A rather fat man yelled.
Just before Naruto was about to respond he figured something out.
October 10, Jiji's avoidance of the topic, the names they always call me...
Naruto's train of thought was broken when he was slapped across the face.
"Tch, what are you going to do today? Use me as ninjutsu practice? Kunai Target? Just beat me up till you get bored?"
"No, we are going to go with a different approach..."
Naruto saw something that made his blood run cold, a lightning rod.
"No please! Anything else! I will leave if you want, Just please don't do it!" Naruto begged sorrowfully.
"You didn't stop when we asked you too, Didn't you Demon?!"
Without another word a man wearing rubber gloves attached the lightning rod onto Naruto's back.
With that everyone left to the closest house nearby to watch the "show" nearby without getting hurt.
Naruto tilting his head slightly to look up, he thought slightly bitterly and.... happily?
Maybe I will be able to meet Tou-San and Kaa-San in the next life.....
Right there he saw lightning dancing in the clouds...
Lightning got closer
Even closer
Lightning struck Naruto and he felt unbelievable scorching pain, he never thought possible. Not being able to take it, he blacked out.
Naruto found himself in a sewer.
I'm alive? I know I tend to heal quickly but... Well probably not for long, I'm in a sewer...

Wait actually this might be my mindscape.....

Walking for what felt days, Naruto found himself in front of a cage with a paper on top saying "seal" .

"So, my prediction was right, eh Kyuubi?"

A single slitted crimson eye was shown, and that was all the confirmation Naruto needed.

Hello guys this is the end of the first chapter, ummm this is my first time writing fanfiction, so please don't be too hard on me. I'm not sure if anyone is gonna read this anyways but whatever.

For pairings, umm it will definitely be Naruto x Kurotsuchi I love this pairing because of it awesome potential.

I will post the next chapter soon promise!

Bye see you later, Please review!

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