Prologue Part 2

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 "So my prediction was right, eh? Kyuubi?"

A single Crimson slitted eye was shown, and that was the only answer Naruto needed. Naruto impassively watched as the strongest Bijuu slowly stood up from it's resting position.

"Oh, If it isn't my host, let me welcome you to my humble abode"  The demon fox said sarcastically. " However as welcoming as it is for you to grace me with your presence, why are you here, and how did you figure it out about me?"

Sitting down on the cold floor of the his mind surprising his bijuu at the lack of rage he was expecting from the brat, he replied

"It honestly wasn't difficult to figure out, The villagers were practically telling me you were sealed inside me, in all honesty I feel pretty stupid for not figuring it out sooner."

 The Kyuubi raised a eyebrow, though he would never admit out loud he was silently impressed with his host. He was also bold, being able to maintain eye contact with him, never once flinching away. He also didn't sense an ounce of fear coming from his host.

"Why aren't you afraid of me?"

"Because you are misunderstood." Naruto quickly replied.

Surprise was easily shown on the Kyuubi's face which was immediately replaced with Fury. 

"What did you just say? You better choose your next words very carefully ningen." He growled out.

"I have read a few books about you, there are lots of different names for you.... The "King of Demons", "Strongest Bijuu", to name a few. However there is one name in books that seem to stick, They call you a Uncontrollable beast that kills anything in is past."

Narrowing his eyes at what his host is saying he listened intently.

"I find all of that to be all load of BS, I am going to go on a crazy assumption and say I am not your first host or whatever you want to call it." 

Letting out a noise of confirmation Naruto continued,

"Why were you sealed away in the first place? Lets pretend what happened what you did 5 years ago never happened, what did you do before that sentenced you to a punishment to be sealed away. I mean look at this place" Using his hand to point at the cage "It's a sewer! You had to live in this place for 5 years, and thats not even counting how long you had to live in before me, People think that you are just a being of hatred and destruction and can only feel emotions such as hatred and anger, which while a big part of conceals that you can feel other emotions like happiness, sadness, and loneliness."

Surprised at the amount of understanding his host has of him....

"What do you want?"

Letting out a dry chuckle,"Im going to ask you something that im pretty sure nobody has asked the either of us."  A hesitant but hopeful smile appeared on his face he asked

"If you wouldn't mind. Will you be my friend?"

Kyuubi was staring intently at Naruto, but within his eyes Naruto could of sworn he saw a glimmer of hope. Naruto noticing he was surprised, got up from his seated position, and walked into the cage. And raised his tiny hand as if to shake his hand.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and it's nice to me you."

Letting out a small chuckle, before raising his finger noticing He was too small to actually shake hands he responded.

"My name is Kurama, and it's nice to meet you too kit."

And for the first time in a long time they both showed a sincere smile.


This is the second Chapter, there will only be about one (Or Maybe two) parts of the prologue left. Another thing why has nobody  reviewed?

Tell me what your opinion. You like it? You hate it? You want me to die in a hole? just please say something. 

Well what do you think about Naruto's interaction with the Kurama?

Well whatever Bye!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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