Chapters 1-3

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Chapter 1

Ally Smith sat on her bed with her two friends MJ Clear and Jennifer Wilkins. They were having a sleep over. They were trying to decide what they should name their club.

Ally and Jennifer were 12 years old but MJ was 13 years old because she stayed back in 6th grade. But, MJ was glad to stay back a grade because she would have never met Ally and Jennifer. When MJ had first met them, she tried to be mean but she got to know Ally and Jennifer and became their friend. The only time she brings her bad side is when they tease her about her name. MJ's real name is Mary-Jane. But she absolutely hates it, so she changed it to MJ.

"What about the friendly fashion flirts" said Jennifer. "Of course you think of that miss 20 feet closet" said MJ. "Coming from, the person who is always wearing ripped jeans. So 2 years ago" said Jennifer. "Hush your muzzle Tyra Banks you sound like a mutt" MJ snapped back. Jennifer did a fake dramatic gasp and they all began to laugh. "Okay," said Ally catching a breath from such a great comeback. "..We need to think of a name for our brand". "What do you mean by brand?" asked MJ with a sarcastic detective voice. "Well it's kind of what people are going to call us or think of us". MJ and Jennifer looked at each other and then at Ally and giggled. "Come on, you guys I'm serious. This is our last year of being known as a child. Well at least it is for me and Jennifer". They all looked each other and laughed again. "This is the last year we can play with dolls or watch Disney channel. This is our last year being treatedlike a child. So this year we've got to go out with a bang" Ally continued. "Nice speech Princess Perfect. I think I know who our club captain can be," said MJ. "I nominate Ally Smith to be the club captain. All in favor say 'I'". Everyone said "I"."Our club captain, that will be leadingus through our last year as children, is Ally Smith". Ally did a phony pageant wave. They all laughed and hugged each other. "OMG I just thought of the perfect name for the club" said Jennifer. "What?" asked MJ. "We could be 'the thoughtful three'" Jennifer exclaimed. "Well were not that thoughtful but it's the only thing we've got" said MJ. "All in favor of the name of the club to be 'the thoughtful three' say 'I'" said Ally. Everyone said 'I'. "I motion Jennifer's statement. The new name of the club is 'the thoughtful three'".

They all cheered and began to run around the room and jump on the bed. This turned into a pillow fight. Just then Mrs. Smith came in and told the girls it was bedtime. They all sighed and got in their sleeping bags. "Case closed members dismissed" Ally whispered as Mrs. Smith left the room. They all giggled and soon enough fell asleep.

Chapter 2

It was a cloudy humid day in Oxford. Ally, MJ, and Jennifer all were riding their bikes to school. MJ rode in the street while Jennifer and Ally rode on the side walk. "My legs are getting a little tired can we take a break" said Jennifer. "I'm not falling for it" said MJ. "You are only saying that because were near Jake's house" she continued. "That is so not true, now shut up" said Jennifer. "Who do you think you're talking too" said MJ. "I think I was talking to you MJ, Mary-Jane Clear" said Jennifer. "Whatever, you're just mad because he doesn't like you and he's going out with Jessica". Jennifer gave her the evil eye. But MJ just stuck her tongue out.

"Oh, look its Jake and his biker boy's maybe Jennifer needs a kiss" said MJ loudly. Jake rode up. "Hey MJ, still working on your bike skills" said Jake. "You know it" said MJ. "Well I'll see you around then" Jake continued. "Yeah" said MJ as Jake did a wheelie down the street.

"I never knew you and Jake talk" said Ally. "Yeah, well we hang out at the park doing tricks and racing each other that's all". "How could you MJ, you know he's my crush" said Jennifer. "Jennifer what is the matter with you I just said were friends. We hang out, just like you and me. I have no romantic interest in him what so ever" said MJ looking at Jennifer like she was crazy. "I thought you didn't like him, Jennifer. What do you care? Besides were going to be late for school lets go" said Ally. Jennifer and MJ just followed Ally as she rode off to school.

MJ was at her locker getting her things because school was over. She closed her locker and was about to walk down the hall, when right behind her locker door stood Jake. "MJ, I was wondering if you would like to hang out at the park and maybe after go out for some pizza" said Jake with a charming smile.

MJ was terrified. "Jake, as in Jennifer's one and only crush asked me to hang out with him to get pizza. Do you know how mad Jennifer would be if she found out, she would drop me like fly. Besides do I really like Jake? I mean he does have sparkling green eyes, and shaggy hazel hair, and his great biking skills but so not my type, at least I think. But any ways I've got to say something" said MJ in her head.

"But aren't you going out with Jessica?" MJ said. "Jessica and I broke up she just not my type. She's likes fashion I like biking. Besides she's been looking for new options. Chatting with boys, and spending all her time at the mall. We've grown apart" Jake explained. "What about Jennifer she's a nice girl, and she likes you hint, hint" replied MJ as she walked down the hallway to the school doors. "I'm not interested. Don't you understand, I like you not Jennifer, whoever she is" said Jake following her down the hall. "She's my friend the girl I was talking to when you came up to me with your biker boys. She's my BFF and I can't go out with her crush. I'm sorry as much as I want to, I can't. But we can still go biking" said MJ in the nicest way possible. Jake looked at the ground and back at MJ. "I'm sorry I hope you can understand" said MJ. "Yeah, I understand" said Jake sadly as he walked away slowly as if his dreams had been destroyed.

"Hey MJ, want to come hang over my house, we're planning to have club meeting" asked Ally cheerfully. "Sorry but I really need too, um, time to think about things" said MJ with an unsure face. "Think about what, MJ, are you okay" said Jennifer looking concerned. "Oh, it's nothing" said MJ. "I'm I'll see you guys later" said MJ as she scurried away not giving anyone time to say goodbye. She rode off on her bike without even a wave. Ally and Jennifer watched her ride down the street until they couldn't see her anymore. "That was weird" said Ally suspiciously. "Yeah, totally" replied Jennifer. The two girls then walked over to bikes, hopped on, and rode to Ally's house.

Chapter 3

At home MJ sat on her bed with head in her knees. Her door was closed, lights were off and the blinds were shut. The room had a feeling of emptiness, MJ liked it that way. This is what she did to when she needed to think. She thought about what had happened at school, in her head, over and over. It made her angry. It had her thinking.

"Do I like Jake? No I couldn't, we're just friends right. But friends don't ask each other out. Well, he obviously likes me. But I don't like him.....or do I. I mean, he's got those beautiful green eyes, and that fluffy hazel hair, and amazing smile, and he loves to bike. He'd be perfect for stop it that's Jennifer's crush. What am I going to do" thought MJ. After thinking for a while she decided to ask her mom. Her mom had a lot of boyfriends. MJ's mom's friends would always talk about how my mom is so beautiful and popular as a kid and teenager, and she still was, so if there was anybody to ask it was MJ's mom.

In the basement MJ's mom was folding clothes in the laundry room. MJ went to her mom and told her she wanted to talk to her. They both and sat down on the play room couch, which also happened to be in the basement. "So what do you want to talk about, honey?" said MJ's mom. "Well," started MJ. "I have this friend and she doesn't know what to do. Her best friend has crush on this boy, that asked her out and she thinks she might like him and she doesn't know what to do" she continued. MJ's mom said "Well MJ if you're ever in that situation you've got to make a choice. A very hard choice, you have to choose between friendship and boys. And when you make that decision, whoever stands by your side is the right choice whoever doesn't isn't. Sometimes, people have to accept the fact that they can't always have what they want. A person who really cares for you will support you even though they want that same thing. You have to do what you think is right". "Thanks, mom" said MJ. "You're welcome, now I better get back to folding" her mother replied.

MJ watched her mom walk away until she couldn't see her anymore. MJ ran up the stairs after her mom's speech she knew exactly what she was going to do. She grabbed her laptop and went on her favorite and most popular social site, Aero Flow. She messaged Jake "NEED 2 TALK 2 U @ SCHOOL MEET ME BY THE CAFATERIA BATHROOM RIGHT BEFORE FIRST PERIOD". MJ closed the laptop with the feeling of relief. She let off a sigh of relief as she sat her laptop to side and lay on her back with her hands behind her head looking at the ceiling, feeling satisfied. "I think I'll take a nap" she said to herself as she turned over and got under the cover.

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