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Bzzz bzzzz bzzzzz. "Omg who's calling me this early in the morning?" I barked into the phone yelling at whoever is was.

"One is almost one o'clock in the afternoon and two come open the door" Sean said.

"Where's your keys?" I asked getting up from my bed and grabbing a robe.

" I left them at my crib,stop asking questions and let me in before I blow the door off the hinges". He replied with annoyance clear in his voice.

I rushed to the door knowing that if I didn't hurry he would actually blow the door off the hinges. I opened the door to let my annoying best friend in. He walked passed me and went straight to the kitchen.

"What are you doing in my kitchen" I asked with annoyance because I really wanted to go back to bed.

"Again with the questions. I'm bout to make lunch since I know for a fact you ain't ate yet bed head".He replied grabbing food from the refrigerator.

"I'm going to take a shower and get dressed". I told him getting up from my chair.

He laughed and said" You do that because I can smell your stinking ass all the way over here.

I walked out the kitchen giving him my middle finger. I took my shower and went to my walk in closet to find something to put on. Ten minutes later I settled for a pair of black high waisted shorts, a pink crop top hoodie that said flawless on the front, and my black high top J's. As I finished putting my shoes on Sean walked my room licking his fingers.

" Foods ready Jaide"He told me.

"Okay" I answered him but he made no movement to leave." Why are you still standing there" I asked.

"There's a guy here to see you, he says he's your boyfriend". He said with a confused look on his face.

" Treyshawn's here". I said with a lot of excitement as the butterflies began to flutter. I was walking towards the living room when a pleasant aroma hit me in the face and I turned and walked in my marble kitchen.

"Trey ", I called out as I began to make me a plate of food. Trey came into the kitchen giving me a kiss before sitting down at my table. I noticed Sean coming up the hallway with nothing but a towel around his waist.

"Hey Jaide have you seen my grey boxers with the blue stripes"he asked. From the corner of my eye I can see trey glaring at both of us probably thinking that we just slept together.

"Trey this is my best friend Sean, Sean this is Trey". I said introducing them to one another.

"Oh the gay guy you were telling me about" Trey said with relief written on his face.

" I'm not gay. You told him I was gay?" Sean asked in disbelief.

" No. Trey why would you think he's gay". I questioned.

"You said he liked going shopping with you and stuff, what else was I supposed to think." Trey said with frustration.

"I don't like shopping with you, you drag me along because you want a mans opinion." Sean replied with his hands on his hips.

"So your not gay and you have a friend that look like this and y'all never messed around. Thank you." They said clapping his hands.

Sean raised an eyebrow " Who said we never slept together." He asked

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