Trust Issues

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"I've told you a thousand times, I've never cheated on you Trey. Sean's just giving you a hard time." I said trying to convince him. Every time Sean comes around it's a big fight between Treyshawn and I. He thinks if I'm not with him I'm sleeping with Sean or some other guy.

Treshawn's P.O.V

I know she cheating on me I can't prove it yet but I know she is. When I find that nigga I'm killing him and her and Sean to 'cause iont like that fake ass wanna be thug ass nigga period. She keep saying they just friend, but he act like they fucked around or something.

"Trey you hear me talking to you!" Jaide snapped bringing me from my thoughts and back to the present.

" what!" I snapped back.

"I need the mirror."she said while rolling her eyes. I swear she better be glade she fine. She's a caramel completion with reddish-brown hair that's naturally curly all the way down her back, slim waist, D cup bra,ass for days, and stood at 5'2. I move out the way.

" Where you going anyway". I asked confused on why she so dressed up.

"Out" she replied walking to her closet grabbing a pair of red stilettos.

" No you not!" I said snatching her shoes and putting them back.
Jaide's p.o.v

Who do he think he is tryna stop me from going out.

"Yes I am going out, now move out my way." I said pushing on him to move. He pushed me back and out of nowhere he hit me. I looked at him trying to comprehend if he was that stupid to actually hit me. He stared at me with a " superior than thou" look on his face. After five minutes I lost it. I started hitting and kicking him. When I finally got tired I grabbed him by his neck and threw him out. Finished getting dressed trying to forget what just happened. I grabbed my keys to my pink 2017 camaro and headed to the club.
Sean's P.O.V

I looked at my watch wondering where Jaide could be, she's miw 30 minutes late.

Ten minutes later I see her coming to the V.I.P section. She looked amazing. I always thought she was beautiful ,but tonight felt different. As she walked towards me I noticed how long her legs looked with her red heels. Tonight's definitely going to be interesting.


I walk up the next morning naked, a horrible headache, and a naked female laying on my chest.

"Aye wake up you gotta go" I said shaking her. Before I knew it she set up and punched me in the nose.

"Wtf " she said pushing her hair back. I could not believe my eyes. I instantly knew we had sex based on the smell in the room.
Jaide's P.O.V

I got a killer headache and my fist hurt from punching whoever just woke me up. I looked up and saw Sean naked.

"Wtf" I said scooting back on the bed. "Why are you naked.Wait why am I nakeked." He just looked at me me with an apologetic look " Omg we didn't."

He shook his head and replied "We did."

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