Chapter 17

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- Last period of the day -

Corbyn: So where is your body guard at?

I stopped paying attention to what the teacher was writing on the board and looked over at him.

Hunter: What do you mean?

Corbyn: Raven, weren't you supposed to be showing him around the school and showing him his classes? 

Hunter: He wanted to try looking for some on his own

Corbyn nodded and went  back to facing the board. I did the same and saw an assignment written next to the date.

Teacher: okay class we only have about five more minutes of class left, so I want you all to get the assignment I have written up here done by tomorrow. 

Half of the class sighed and the teacher just laughed and rolled his eyes

Zach: This class sucks! like seriously how are we supposed to get three chapters done by tomorrow?

Teacher: That is a problem you will have to figure out on your own Mr. Herron, and please next time refrane from saying something rude about my class. 

Zach slouched in his seat embarrassed that the teacher heard him and I laughed.

Hunter: you're being dramatic Zach, they are just chapters that are two to three pages long 

I heard him sigh again this time being a little more louder 

Zach: that's one too many pages for me, why can't we just have a relaxing day? it's just assignment after assignment and it's annoying

Corbyn: Zach it's fine, why don't you two just come over to my place and we can work on these together?

I looked at him 

Hunter: that sounds like a good idea, I'm in 

Corbyn: sweet, how about you Zach?

Zach sat up in his chair

Zach: you don't have to ask me twice! whatever helps me pass this class

Corbyn: awesome! I'll see you both at my place after school 

Hunter: okay

Zach: alright, but I will be a little late because I have to pick up my football jersey for the game tomorrow 

Me and Corbyn both nodded 

-Ring Ring-

The bell went off and all the students got up from their seats along with their stuff and headed out into the now crowded halls. I got up from my spot, grabbed all of my stuff and said goodbye to Corbyn and Zach. I walked out of the classroom and into the almost now empty hallway. I slipped my backpack onto both of my shoulders and passed by the office and into the hallway that leads to outside where my car was.

?: Hunter!! wait up!

I jumped at the sudden call of my name and turned around to be faced with the oh so great face of Raven.

Hunter: hey Rav whatcha doing?

He caught up to me and we both started walking outside together

Raven: well you are my ride home doofus 

I mentally face palmed and just stared at him 

I totally spaced out on me giving him a ride. Way to go Hunter, forgetting people now.

Raven: you okay? you look like a deer in headlights 

I blinked a few times

Hunter: y-yeah I just forgot that I needed to give you a ride home and made plans already

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