Ch.1 A living nightmare

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Delilah was up all night feeling very uneasy, she decided to get up. She threw on her night robe and walked out of the room slowly making sure not to wake up Luna or cho who she shared a dorm with her.

Delilah decided to walk around. the castle was so dark and quite, you could probably hear a pin drop. It seemed so peaceful , naturally the halls were filled of students and chatter.

As Delilah was outside walking she heard a painful scream from the astronomy Tower which made Delilah's heart drop in fear. She ran as fast as she could to the astronomy tower.

When she got there she heard a very familiar voice. She was at the bottom of the stairs looking to see what was going on. When she got a better view of what was going on she saw Tom. Tom and Delilah have been together for about 6 months now he has been acting very weird during the summer, like keeping to him self a lot and not being very social like he usually is, skipping class or being late and talking back to the professors a lot.

"Crucio" Tom said which made the person cry out in pain.

Delilah's heart was racing so fast because she didn't know whether to help the person or stay back.  "Pl- please Tom don't" the person on the floor cried out. Tom could never hurt someone, h- he won't kill them will he? Delilah thought to her self.

" Avada kedavra " Tom shouted.

Delilah's heart dropped seeing the life go out of the person's eyes. Delilah was num it wasn't until her eyes locked with Tom's. In that moment Delilah ran. As Delilah ran she thought of every possible thing Tom would do to her if he caught her, that is what made her run even faster.

" stop running Delilah!" Tom shouted as he was catching up with her.

Delilah ran into the ravenclaw bathroom and slammed the door. " I THOUGHT YOU WEREN'T AFRAID OF ANYTHING!" Tom said screaming and pounding on the door trying to get it open.

" get away from me " Delilah cried out. " please Delilah, darling please just let me in" Tom said as his voice calmed down.

Delilah cried as she slide down the door laying her back on it and covering her ears hoping Tom would leave.

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