꧁𝒱ℯℊ𝒶𝓈꧂(Davesport fluff&lemon)

827 15 32

This is for Sickness_Flower, thanks for requesting! Hope you specifically enjoy! Hope everyone who reads this also enjoys! Also my last oneshot isn't connected to this one even though it mentioned Vegas.


Dave's POV

I was driving the car to Vegas, and noticed Sportsy nodding off. "Hey Sportsy, why don't you get some sleep?" I asked, and which he replied "With you driving? I'd be surprised if we don't die again." I did a fake offended gasp. "Sportsy, why would I crash the car with you in it unless we're on the run?" Old Sport thought about it for a few minutes. "That's sound logic, but if you even think of crashing the car while I nap, I swear I will kill you." Old Sport said as he leaned back in the seat falling asleep. Dave thought 'God I find the orange handsome, I could stare at him for days, but I'm not allowed to crash the car.' I drove to the hotel we're staying at, and picked up Sportsy, wrapping his arms around my neck, and carrying him from his legs. He's too adorable, and it surprises me when he lays his head on my shoulder in his sleep. 'I wish I knew if he liked me back' The Aubugine thought to himself as he carried the sleeping orange to their room. The purple boi had locked the car, having the keys in his pocket so he wouldn't have to bring the stuff up just yet, and so he could cuddle with his crush. The purple skittle then proceeded to cuddle the orange skittle till he fell asleep.

-Timeskip brought by Gay Skittles-

Jack's POV

I woke up in a tight hug from Dave, in a bed, in the hotel we rented for the week. It wasn't a bad hotel, but not the best. I sighed as I tried to get out of the Aubugine's grip, but eventually gave up. I noticed our stuff wasn't here, which worried me, so I tried to wake Dave up. After what felt like ten minutes, he finally woke up and said "Good mornin' Old Sport." Which he then proceeded to kiss my cheek, which made me blush. "Dave! Ask for promission before you kiss me!" I'll admit, I like the Aubugine, but, I don't like being suddenly kissed. "Fine, but do I not get a good morning?" He asked. "God damnit Dave! We've talked about this! Anytime we go to Vegas, we bring the stuff in, so no, you don't get a good morning!" I replied raising my voice to show I was annoyed. "Sorry Sportsy, I was tired." Dave responded. I sighed before saying "Fine, I forgive you, let's just get our stuff." And pulled the taller boi up. We went outside and got our two suitcases. We both had one suitcase with a week and a half's amount of clothes, a gun, a knife, money, and whatever else we wanted to bring. I brought nothin' else because I wanted room in my suitcase for stuff from Vegas. I didn't know about Dave though. As soon as we got the stuff inside, Dave started to change infront of me, and as a response, I grabbed my clothes, and ran to the bathroom, and changed in there. "Aww Sportsy, you shy?~ I promise I won't bite~" Dave teased with a flirty tone. "Dave! There's no way I'm watching you get changed! We're just friends!" I shout, my heart slightly hurting. 'Although, I wanna be more than friends.' I thought to myself as I changed out of my old clothes, and into a pair of jeans, with an orange tee, and a purple hoodie, a gift from Dave, wrapped around my waist. I walked out of the bathroom, to see me and Dave had the same outfit, except his shirt was purple, and the hoodie was orange, a gift from me. "First day in Vegas, what do ya wanna do?" I asked the Aubugine, expecting him to say a stripper club, but instead he said "how about a bar?" Damn, I'm lightweight, I'd probably only get one bottle down before I can't risk having more and being out of control of my actions, but Dave's paying for the first night, so it's his choice. "Sure Dave, I mean you're paying, so it's only fair we go to your choice." Dave smirked a mischievous grin, and I knew something was up, but I didn't know what.

Dave's POV

Sportsy agreed to go to the bar with me, and I found out, he's lightweight, and I know he likes doing bets, so, maybe I can ask him if he likes anyone, if so, maybe I'll make the lucky guy regret living. I grabbed Sportsy's hand as I dragged him out the door of the room we were renting, and locked the door. "Dave you don't have to drag me." I looked at Jack, and put a blindfold on his face. "Now I do~" i said as I picked up the orange grinning. "Dave put me down!" The orange said his face turning a light pink. "Sportsy, you're blushing~" I then said. "S-Shut up!" Jack said blushing more. "Why are you such a Tsundere?" I asked still carrying Jack to the bar. "I'm not a Tsundere, whatever that is!" The orange then said.
(For anyone who doesn't know, a Tsundere is someone who doesn't like affection)
I finally set Jack down infront of the bar, and took the blindfold off. "We're here Sportsy!" I then said. "Great! Don't try anything Dave." The orange skittle then replied. "I won't Sportsy!" I lied, I had a plan, and I am going through with it, I mean, I didn't learn alot about Sportsy by doing nothing. I'll admit, maybe putting cameras in his entire house might seem too stalker esc, but what if he's hurt! I took Sportsy's hand and led him into the bar. "So Sportsy, how's about a bet?" I asked, trying not to grin. "Heck yeah Aubugine!" The beautiful orange man replied. 'God, he's too adorable!' I thought. "You've agreed, and can't back out," I started, letting Sportsy speak. "Why would I back out?" He asked with an adorable cocky grin. "I dunno, but the bet is, I bet I can drink more then you." I then said finishing what I said. I noticed my orange baby's face change from a grin to a slight smile. "Well what happens if I win?" He asked. I knew he'd act confident that he'd win. "I'll do anything you want for the rest of the day, and if I win, you have to do anything I want for the rest of the day." Jack was silent for a few minutes before saying "well are we just gonna stand here, or are we doing a bet." I grinned as I ordered something strong, but not too strong. Something that isn't at any of the bars Sportsy visits. I ordered the bottle, and asked for two shot glasses. "All right Sportsy, we both keep taking a shot at a time till the other is drunk, got it?" I asked pouring the drinks. "Got it." He replied grabbing his glass. We both drank a shot, and Sportsy realized the drink was strong. I poured more into each glass, as Sportsy was slightly eyeing the drink. We both took another shot. This happened three more times, when I noticed, Sportsy was visibly drunk. I smirked and poured the two shot glasses. "Bet you won't drink these right now." I said quickly. He replied, "Bet. You'll owe me five." He said before drinking them, and holding his hand out. I gave him a five. "Wow Sportsy, you didn't even realize you lost the first bet." I said chuckling at how easy Sportsy got drunk. I paid for the drinks, and then grabbed Old Sport carrying him back to the hotel. When we got into our room I looked him dead in the eyes, and asked "Sportsy, do you like someone, as in like-like?" I waited for an answer, he was silent for a few moments before nodding, and pulling me in for a kiss. "I like you Davey" He replied, his words slightly slurred. I blushed in response, and then said "well you lost the bet to me, so I say you have to let me fuck you." Sportsy's face became redder than it was before, seeing as his face was flushed. "Well then do it Davey" he started, "maybe what you call yourself is true" I was silent for a minute before I realized he was talking about the nickname Big Dick Davey. I smirked before saying "it's true, and I'll prove it." I was surprised he wasn't trying to convince me not to, and I went to my suitcase, and grabbed lube. "All right Sportsy, get ready for me and my little friend~" I then said smirking as I grabbed his dick, feeling him gasp from the sudden action. I went in for the kiss, putting my tounge in his mouth, dominating him easily as I rubbed his dick through his pants. He was moaning into the kiss as I did so and whined slightly when I stopped. He put my hand back on, and that's when it became obvious that he was hard. I stopped kissing him and said "Aww someone's enjoying this~" Sportsy stayed silent till I rubbed his dick harder through his pants, and he moaned. I was turned on, and started to undress him as I pulled him into my lap, and started biting and sucking on his neck. He was softly moaning, until I rubbed my hand roughly on his dick through his boxers, to which he started moaning louder. I would be lying if I said I wasn't getting hard at this, my Sportsy letting me do this to him, even if he probably won't be aware of it in the morning, the ideas of what I could do filled my head, causing me to get more hard. I pulled off Sportsy's boxers as I pulled mine off along with my pants. "You ever do this before?~" I asked, him staring at my erection. "No, but there's always a first~" he replied, his words slurred, and moaned out. I nodded grinning. I put the lube on my dick, making sure to get access, and putting it on my fingers. I moved Sportsy into position before sticking my finger in his ass. He moaned, and I started thrusting my finger, until I decided to add two. I had to force my second finger in, and it seemed like it hurt Sportsy. "You ok Sportsy?" I asked sounding a little worried, but got a nod in response. I then waited and he whined slightly basically telling me to hurry up. I complied, and started thrusting my fingers, hearing his moans, I couldn't take it anymore, I had to get my dick in him before I lose it. I removed my fingers, and put my dick in his ass, him moaning, but also crying in pain. I waited for him to say it was ok, seeing as I didn't want to hurt him. As soon as I got the signal I started thrusting. "A-Ahh~ H-Harder~" Sportsy moaned. I nodded looking at his flushed face. I started going harder, and he started screaming his moans. 'Guess I hit his spot~' I thought to myself, as I hit the area repeatedly, his moans not changing, then he released. I stopped thrusting "Sportsy, I want you to suck my friend here~" I said removing my dick from his ass. Sportsy looked at it and took it into his mouth, as far as he could, which surprised me as I let out a loud moan. He started to suck hard on it, and I moaned loudly. He started to experiment and find out what got me moaning the most when he was sucking my dick. He ended up sucking hard, while having his tounge play with my dick. I soon released in his mouth, dispite me trying to warn him. I pulled out, both our faces not the original colors of purple or orange like they were supposed to be. Sportsy then swallowed the cum in his mouth making me blush harder. "Sportsy, you'd yell at me if I did that!" I said quickly not realizing it. He then responded with "Well I'm not exactly sober right now." His words still slurred as he got up, and pushed me into my side, and cuddled me. I soon fell asleep hugging him, and him cuddled up to me.


Well this was hard to write. The total words is over 2000 though, which surprises me. Hope ya all enjoyed! Thanks for requesting Sickness_Flower!

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