Undercover Skittles Part 3

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A/N: I got a buncha people who wanted a pet three, so here you all go! Have a great day/night!


Jack's POV

It was the third week of working at the stupid restaurant when it was someone's birthday. Dave was out sick, so I was there alone. I saw them roll out the birthday bot that me and Dave had reprogrammed. I started recording on my phone so that I could show Dave. The bot started singing the happy toon while dancing around the child, but instead of saying the name, it tackled the kid and bit his head violently. It was very funny to watch everyone's reactions. I nearly smiled a genuine smile, ... something only Dave can make me do. I made sure to catch everything on camera, and then the manager gave me five hundred dollars, two-fifty for both me and Dave. He still thinks it was the old manager. I walked out of the building with the most 'sad' expression. I wasn't actually sad of course. It's funny! I walked on over to my house, where I had left Dave, cause he was VERY sick. As soon as I walked in I started dying of laughter as I showed Dave the video. Dave smiled softly before falling asleep on my couch, leaving me bored.

Some time later

I decided to make something for me and Dave to eat, even though he's asleep, it'd probably be better to have something to eat than nothing. I hummed as I moved Dave so I could sit on the couch. I put his head on my lap, because obviously I wasn't gonna sit somewhere else. I started to fall asleep with Dave on my lap.


A/N: Sorry it isn't long. I'm just having a terrible day- although I'll be fine! So don't worry!

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