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I woke up, like any other day. Nothing unusual there. But something felt off. I didn't know what but I felt like I was being watched. I tried to shake the feeling, but it wouldn't leave. I decided that maybe I just needed to get some stuff off my mind, and decided to go train. I walked past the cafeteria, which seemed empty. Then I remembered that the Loki Familia had an expedition today. They were probably getting ready near the dungeon or somewhere else on Loki Familia grounds. It made me a bit sad, because I had grown to quite like Ais' and my training sessions. I decided to just practice form for the few days Ais was gone. I went out side and didn't see anyone else. I put down my stuff and got to training.

About an hour later, I was running down to the dungeon. I had tried to train for a while, but I wanted to go back to the dungeon. I was a bit sore from the day before, but didn't really notice it. I was too excited.

By the time I had got to Babel, the whole of the expedition team was already gathered around the dungeon entrance. I had no trouble sneaking past them, stealth being one of my few skills I had mastered before coming to Orario. Or the only one, before or after coming to Orario, but who was counting anyway? Me.

A few members of the Loki Familia were littered around the first few floors, but I wasn't going to hang around there. I was headed for the sixth floor. I was going to try and push myself, see what I could do, apply my training. I was assessing my own abilities. I was able to kill kobalds and goblins easily. War shadows were the only thing that could really give me problems down here and only in large groups. Eventually, I lost myself in the dungeon. I just kept on killing everything I saw. Attack first, ask questions later.

At some point, I had started going deeper into the dungeon. I already wasn't paying attention, and it probably didn't help that I had started to chase the monster down. Eventually I snapped out of whatever daze I was in and looked around. I was no longer on the sixth, and had gone down to the seventh.

I was looking around, trying to figure out what had snapped me out of my daze when I heard a heart wrenching sound.


I recognized that sound almost instantly. I had heard it before, ingrained it in my brain. That was the roar of a minotaur.

But on the seventh? They didn't spawn up here. In fact, they were a level two monster. They shouldn't spawn until at least the twelfth, if not on an even lower floor. I saw a few adventurers run past me, looking at me like a crazy person. But I couldn't move. I was too scared. I tried, but my body wasn't in my control.

It only took a few moments of waiting before he showed himself.
Black horns, red scarred red skin, a muscular build and a snout built like a bull. A minotaur on the seventh floor.


He had spotted me. A minotaur had spotted my level one self. On my own. No one to help, no Ais to save me this time.

It started lumbering towards me. I noticed that it wasn't holding the crudely made axes that minotaur usually carried. He was holding a well made "Bastard Sword" a massive great sword usually only used by large, high level adventurers.

It was silent. No noise or movement of any kind anywhere nearby. Then, he raised his bastard sword and pointed it at me. Then he smiled. It scared me. I drew my blades and got ready. Seeing me draw my blades he smiled even wider and rushed at me.

Third Person POV

Freya was sitting in her large chair in Babel tower. She was looking at the boy. The one who resembled a rabbit. He fascinated her. He had a soul similar to the Sword Princess'. It had seen grief but was bright. The difference was the color of their souls. Ais Wallensteins was a brilliant gold. But Bells was a color she had never seen before. I blindingly bright white soul. She had set this little test up. To test his ability's. To assess him.

Ais x Bell - Rabbits RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now