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We had finally made it to the 18th floor. We were leaving to get back to the surface tomorrow, but everyone was tired out from the rest of the adventure. By the time we had camp set up it was getting dark and we were all hungry. We all ate after setting up camp and most of us went to bed. I didn't. I went to a spot on the 18th that I went to almost every time we came down here. It was a cliff where you could see the rest of the 18th. I usually just thought about how much farther I had to go to reach my goal. This time was different. I had something else on my mind. A little rabbit. I didn't know why the rabbit was always on my mind. And why did my heart flutter around him?

After a few minutes, I heard someone behind me. I wasn't worried about being attacked. If it was a monster it would be passive like all monsters here. If it were a person, I was more than capable of protecting myself. I waited a moment and I saw that it was Riveria. She looked at me, smiled, and came and sat next to me. We sat in silence a few minutes before I started talking.

"Riveria, what does it mean when... when your heart flutters?"

She looked surprised, since I usually didn't start conversations. I think the question also caught her off guard.

"Well", she began speaking slowly, like she was making sure she got her words right. "Usually, it means you love something or someone. It can mean other things, though. Usually you can tell why based off what makes your heart flutter."

She thought for a second.

"Do you want to talk about it."

I decided that if anyone could help, it was Riveria. After all, she was the defacto mom of the Loki Familia. So I began to tell her.

"It happens when I'm around Bell, or when I think about him. And sometimes when I'm away from him, I start to feel sad."

Once I was done talking Riveria though for a second before replying.

"There are ways of making it go away. You could stay away from Bell and these feeling will go away."

The thought of not seeing my bunny hurt, and I think Riveria could tell.

"Or, you could act on these feelings."

"What if he says no?"

She smiled.

"I dont think he will. I've seen how he looks at you sometimes, and how his face goes red when you talk to him sometimes. And if he does say no, you just have to live with it. Life is harsh. You only have now, so dont waste it."

I didnt reply, and she seemed to sense that I didnt want to talk anymore. She knew I rarely talked, and I almost never talked this much. We sat in silence for a few more minutes."

I after a few minutes, a gave her a hug and said,

"Thank you Riveria."

Bell POV

I slowly woke up and tried to stretch. I instantly stopped. I was sore, and not in sore where stretching feels good. It was the newly sore aching that made stretching hurt, like you were ripping your muscles, which was exactly what you were doing. I laid in bed for a minutes, before finally getting up. I was already dressed in my usual black pants, shirt, and belt, which was unusual since I slept in only underwear. I knew why. They probably had to drag me up here from the 7th floor after the minotaur fight. They probably healed me and then put me in bed without undressing me, which I was eternally grateful for.

I tried to walk, and immediately fell to the ground. Shit. I picked myself off the ground and tried to walk again, this time took some ginger steps.

I walked at a very slow pace for a few minutes before I was able to walk normally.

It took me a few minutes to get to the cafeteria, and when I did it was empty. I knew this was probably because the Loki Familia expedition team probably hadn't gotten home yet. I grabbed some food and went and sat next to someone I had seen around but hadn't exactly met. He seemed to be put on guard duty quite alot.

"Hey. I'm Bell. Who're you?"

He looked at me a second before replying.

"I'm Raul. I sometimes go into the dungeon with the expedition team. I was going to go this time, but they wanted me to drag you back up here."

He didnt look all that mad about being put on babysitting duty.

"Sorry about that."

"You're fine. Someone had to do it."

"I wish that no one had to do it."

He gave me a look and smiled.

"Its fine. We all get hurt sometimes."

After that, we talked for a while before he had to go do some errands. After that, I walked around Orario. I thought about going to the dungeon, but thought better against it. I did decide to pass by it.

As I walked to the dungeon, I passed by a book store, which I decided to check out. It reminded me of home. I looked around, and saw books that I had grown up reading. After a while I decided to get one of my favorites. An old hero story titled "The Argonaut". I payed for it and continued to the dungeon.

When I got to the dungeon entrance, I sat on a nearby bench and began to read. I read for quite a while before I heard a large group of people coming from the dungeon.

When I looked up, I saw the Loki Familia expedition team coming from the dungeon entrance. I closed my book and started walking towards them. Once they all saw me, they gave me a wave and smiled. Finn, Riveria, and Garath were at the front, with Tione,Tiona, and Bete close behind. Next to the twins was Lefiya and Ais. I went up and started talking to them.

"How are yall?"

Finn responded first.

"Good. How are you?"


I looked over at Garath who gave me a slap on the back with a "Good Job". It nearly knocked me off my feet. Riveria was much calmer. She smiled and spoke a soft "Congratulations". Tiona practically jumped while describing the battle. Tione was very enthusiastic,but not jumping. Bete scoffed. Lefiya looked away, looking mad. Ais congratulated me but something was different. She looked away and seemed to be blushing. Getting praise from her made be blush as well.

After talking to everyone for a minute, we began walking to the Twilight Manor.

Not really, but I just wanted to say the line. How are yall doing. I wanted to put a chapter out today since I have school this week. I'll try and have another chapter or two next weekend. Also am going to start making longer chapter since people are enjoying this story. If I'm only going to post a chapter or two a week they'd better be longer. Well anyways, and as always, Peace

Ais x Bell - Rabbits RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now