43 - Conversations.

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“I’m not taking everything too fast, am I?”

Anna looked puzzled. “Taking what fast, exactly?”

Many months have passed in the form of bliss. In spite of how December have crawled and faded into a hopeful New Year, to Elsa, it still felt like yesterday was the fateful July that brought her so many surprises; pleasant and whatnot—as if time mocked every meaningful, long lasting second Elsa has spent with every soul she held dearly.

To others, or to most people, each Season symbolized how things shift and change—that was what every autumn leaf, each blooming flower and the summer heat defined all too well—but to her no season was palpable, regardless of the snow descending from the dreary skies at the moment since it is still the middle of January.

It wasn’t the season, nor is it how trees were deprived of leaves, how the sun rose and how the moon sets everyday—it was growth that is the evidence of how time flies.

Like the time Elsa saw Aiden conversing comfortably with a team member with a smile, and he wasn’t just nodding to show he was listening when apparently he was not—he was actually interested with whatever topic they were talking about. She was also surprised to find a little spark of mischief among his green eyes when he snuck his presence into her office—not that it was a bad thing—most especially when he leaned in and pulled her in to a heated kiss. All she had to say that it really was an eventful lunchbreak.

At that time, she was also worried.

The changes with him were so overwhelming she had this intense fear for a moment, that he would completely change. She didn’t want him gone—she didn’t want the man who would fall asleep during a Marilyn Monroe movie gone, she didn’t want the man who would hum a love song against her hair gone.

She didn’t want him gone. She didn’t want someone different gone.

But when she witnessed how he could still be flustered around her, or anybody occasionally, perhaps he wasn’t entirely changed. When she saw him watching the Misfits rather than the private golf game Heine was pulling him into, her worry ceased slowly.

And when he still asks how was her day every time they jump in that shiny red KIA of his to escape somewhere, anywhere, she would still answer with a chuckle or a laugh that it has been great—and he would drop a quick kiss on her temple to let her know that he was listening each second they chattered in the midst of New York’s traffic.

That was when she concluded he was still the same.

Steering her attention away from the fire roaring in the hearth, Elsa sank on to the loveseat with a heavy sigh. The redhead straightened herself from her own seat and frowned at her older sister’s anxiety.

“Anna...” Elsa began.

“I’m all ears.”

“How long did it take you to realize that... It was Kristoff?”

Anna blinked at the unexpected question, her other hand on top of the other as she poked her knuckles, a habit of hers, “You mean, how long we dated before we got married?”

Elsa nodded silently, her face buried in her hands in what may be distress.

Still perplexed, Anna answered nonchalantly, “A year, or less. Usually others would take up to years, but I don’t know. It just happened and we know it ourselves we want to spend the rest of our lives around each other, everyday. Like, you just want to wake up next to him and you can’t imagine anybody else spending eternity with you but him.”

The blonde sucked in a breath shakily as she folded her arms, “Oh my god.”

Anna’s expression shifted into one of realization and shock as she perked up on her seat with a gasp, “Oh. Oh gosh. Elsa you really want to tie the knot—”

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