Chapter 1

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I screamed and fell off the bad

Y/n: *whiney tone* daad, what'd you do that for!

All for one: oh come on, it's your fourth birthday, and you know what that means

Y/n: *gasp* I get my quirk today!

All for one: that's right! So get ready so we can go

Y/n: *smiles* okay

I then got ready for the day and ate breakfast, we then got in the car and drove off to the doctors' office, when we got there I saw Izuku with his mom and waved at them

Y/n: hi izuku! Hi miss Midoriya

Midoriya: hi Y/n! I can't wait to find out what my quirk is

Y/n: same, and when we find out, you, me, and kacchan will be the best heroes ever!

Inko: hello Shigaraki

All for one: hello miss midoriya, I see little Midoriya here is as energetic as ever

Inko: you have no idea

All for one: how's toshinori doing?

Inko: he's doing just fine

Doctor: will the shigiraki family please come forth

The both of us stood up as I waved at Midoriya

Y/n: wish me luck!

Midoriya: good luck Y/n

We then went with the doctor as he sat us down
Time skip
The doctor had a really shocked face when he was done with all the tests and stuff

Doctor: I-I don't believe it, how is this possible

All for one: what wrong doctor?

Doctor: h-he has the power to create quirks!

All for one and Y/n: WHAT?!

Doctor: it's true! It seems to be a mutation of your quirk, I suggest that due to your experience, you teach him how to use it properly, if he uses it right he could easily become the next number one hero

Two things were going through my mind, one...I'M GONNA BE A HERO!!! and two...what exactly is dads quirk

Y/n: um dad?

All for one: yes?

Y/n: what exactly is your quirk, you never told before

Dad then looked at the doctor then looked at my with a serious look on his face

All for one's mind: he was bound to find out sooner or later

All for one: I'll tell you when we get home, deal?

Y/n: *smiles* deal!

Dad then smiled back and we left the doctors office. As we were leaving I saw Izuku and waved at him but he didn't wave back, in fact he didn't look so good maybe it has something to do with his quirk or is he....oh Izuku, I hate that this happened to you but I swear I'll be by your side no matter what, quirk or not you WILL become a hero!

                                   Time skip
When we got home, dad told me to sit down while he sat across from me, he then explained his past and how he was the most feared villain in all of the world and some of the stuff that he did he also told me about a quirk called one for all that was created through a strength quirk as well as a quirk that is passed down to others and as it was passed down from one person to the next it got really strong to the point where someone punched him and it almost killed him which led to him telling me about how he wanted to give up being a villain and met mommy but she died thanks to some other villains even more powerful than him, they killed mommy and everyone blamed him, which made him fight Allmight. When he was done he thought that I would hate him after telling me this but I hugged him and said

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