Entrance Exam, Here we come!

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it didn't take long for me to get out of the house for two reasons. one I had the powers of the god of Fucking speed and two...IT'S TIME FOR THE ENTRANCE EXAM!!! I was about to run out the door before a giant hand grabbed me and threw me onto the couch

Y/n: Dad, come on, i need to go!

All for one: but i must tell you something, and i think you might like it

Y/n: Huh?

All for one: well, after telling the principle my story, he has allowed me to work at U.A as a teacher as a way to...pay my debt

Y/n: really?! that's great dad!

All for one: i know! well i won't keep you for any longer, knock em dead kid!

Y/n: you know it!

i then used my Hermes quirk and zoomed over to Manami's house in an instant. as soon as i knocked on the door she immediately opened it and pulled me into a hug followed by a passionate kiss

Y/n: hey babe, you ready to blow the crowd away?

Manami: you know it! let's go get Izuku

Y/n: alright *summons pillow chastiefol* let's go!

we then flew all the way to the beach since Midoriya texted me an hour ago saying that he wanted to meet us there before we went to U.A. when we arrived we saw Izuku sitting at the beach just looking at the waves, when we landed he stood up and smiled at us

Midoriya: i still can't believe it...after so many years of people telling us we couldn't do it, here we are, and it all started right here when Uncle Aizawa and Shigaraki started training us and...*starts tearing up* i couldn't be happier for us

he then pulled us into a hug which we gladly returned. after we separated we all hopped on my pillow and flew to U.A, when we arrived everyone gave us a few weird looks thanks to the way we came here but we didn't care. as we were walking to the stadium, Izuku noticed a girl about to fall, but he quickly used one for all to save her from falling

Midoriya: are you okay? it's bad luck to fall before something important happens, Y'know

???: Y-Yeah, thanks, My name is O-Ochako U-Uraraka

Midoriya: nice to meet you Uraraka, The name's Izuku Midoriya, but my friends just call me Izuku

Y/n: come on Izuku, you can talk to your girlfriend later!

Midoriya: *blushes madly* sh-she's not my girlfriend! anyways, I'll see you later, bye Uraraka

Uraraka: b-bye Midoriya!

He then ran back to us and we walked in, the three of us sat down and unfortunately Kacchan was beside us though we just decided to pay no attention to him. it didn't take long for someone to arrive and it was none other than present mic, me and Izuku immediately started fan-boying over him

Present mic: what's up entrance exam candidates? Thanks for tuning in to me, your school D.J! C'MON LET ME HERE YA!

being the nice and energetic people we were we couldn't help but scream

the three of us: YEAH!!!

present mic: i like your spirit guys! now let's cut to the chase and explain the rules, ARE YA READY?!

the three of us: YEAH!!!

we were getting weird looks from everyone but we didn't care, seeing heroes in person is awesome!

During the explanation the three of us payed attention for all of it me and Izuku even started muttering up a storm, giving each other tips about the exam for the robots and other components in the test, unfortunately the three of us were split up in different sections, me and Manami would still be together though. while me and Izuku continued muttering, a hand suddenly rose from behind Kacchans chair

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