Avery, Teleport! -- Bede

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All these thoughts and more ran rampant through my brain as time seemed to slow down. His lips were horribly chapped and dry from sitting in the cave for so long, and it definitely was evident he hadn't brushed his teeth in a few hours.

But still, as I sat there, letting him kiss me, it was like being gifted the ring of Arceus. A warm, tingly feeling shot through me, from the crown of my head to the ends of my toes, and I felt like walking on air. Though, like the idiot I was, it never occured to me that I should kiss back.

When he finally pulled away after what felt like an eternity, he quickly turned away and murmured an apology. "I-I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking," he mumbled quickly. "Good Arceus, Avery, you're an utter idiot-"
Don't apologise, I wanted to say, still a bit in shock.

A guy had just kissed me. Avery had just kissed me. I had known I was bisexual for quite some time before all..this, had happened, but this was the first time I'd ever felt a strong, physical attraction to someone else of the same gender.

"Avery, you can be an idiot sometimes," I agreed, and he visibly stiffened at my insult. "Because you obviously have no idea that I'm bisexual."
"Wha-" I shut him off by grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulling him into another kiss, this one much rougher than the one before.

Without hesitation, he kissed back and wasted no time in sliding a gloved hand into my curly, platinum blonde locks. I took that as a sign I could wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in closer to me. I didn't want to let him go; every inch of my skin was on fire every time we connected.

His lips sometimes strayed from my own, trailing their way from my face down my throat and back up to my face, teeth occasionally nipping at my skin. I shuddered every time a tiny burst of pain erupted on my neck. We stayed like that for what felt like eternity; nothing but the sound of lips smacking and sighs of delight. The only time we finally pulled away from each other was when my lungs were screaming at me for air.

Panting, resting my head on his shoulder, I dug my nails into his shirt as if he'd run away if I didn't keep a tight hold on him. He traced his hands over my features at an agonizingly slow pace, memorizing every inch of me; trailing from my temples down my chest to my sides, where he tugged me closer to him and tilted my face up to meet his.

Slowly resting his forehead on mine, I gasped as he subtly lowered his head and nibbled on my lip. Smiling like an idiot, I kissed him again. We probably would have kept at it for a while if the cavern hadn't started shaking even more violently than the last time.

"Not again," I shrieked, jumping up, Avery right next to me. "One rockslide was enough, but another one is too much for one lifetime!"
"Look out!" he yelled, dragging me out of the way of another falling rock that almost crushed me. Somehow, I didn't mind when he kept a grip on my hand this time.

"This is not good," Avery grunted, flinging a huge rock aside with his powers. Being in a cramped cavern the way we were, he was about 90% of the reason we hadn't been crushed yet.

Rapidash was panicking, so Avery returned him to his capsule so we had more room to escape the boulders crashing down around us, and so we didn't get trampled by him stampeding in fear. "How are we supposed to get out of here?!"

I wracked my brain for an answer, but nothing came to me as the falling rocks made our enclosure smaller and smaller. Then, a lightbulb flashed on in my brain. "See, Avery here comes from a long line of Galarian Psychic-type gym leaders," Honey explained. "They also are actual psychics. Most of them can lift things without touching them, teleport, read minds and the like."

"Teleport," I whispered to myself, the plan taking shape in my mind. "Avery," I shouted over the rumbling and groaning of the cave walls. "You've got to teleport us out of here!"
"What?!" he exclaimed, eyes glowing with power as he crushed a smaller boulder into dust. "I-I can't. I've tried my whole life and I still can't do it! Even my own family knows I can't, so why bother?"

"Because if you don't do it right now, we're going to be crushed by a lot of falling rocks, and I did not just sacrifice my first kiss to die like that," I growled, wrapping my arms around him and holding on tight.

"Just focus. Calm down, and breathe. Think of any tricks you were taught to help you teleport." His heart was pounding in his ribcage, chest rising and falling rapidly with his breath. But, as I continued to hold him steady, his heart rate slowed to gentle thumping, and he slowly put his arms around me.

"Picture the place you want to go," he murmured, and I squeezed my eyes shut in anticipation, burying my face in his chest. He smelled nice; like roses and some sort of spice, though I couldn't tell what. A strange combination, but it was oddly comforting. "Every minute detail; the pattern of the floorboards, the smell of pancakes sizzling on the stove."

The sound of the falling rocks around us dulled to a faint thudding noise, though they were still crashing all around us. "Avery," I warned him as a huge rock landed a few feet away from us. "The two-colored battleground in the center, students in their canary yellow jackets. Mustard's video games echoing from his room, and the rhythmic clicking of Hyde's fingers on a keyboard."

"Avery, time to go," I urged, panicking as the rocks kept coming closer and closer. But despite my pleas, Avery couldn't hear me; he was in a trance, completely absorbed in whatever it was he was doing in his head. The falling stalactites seemed to slow down with time, but I assumed it was because my brain was giving me time to see my life flash before my eyes before we died.

Then, with a great groan, a huge boulder the size of the ceiling above us shuddered, sending dust and little pebbles falling onto my head, and with a horrible shriek it started to fall towards us. As I screamed Avery's name in fear, he grabbed hold of me tightly, and with a huge SNAP we winked out of existence.

Loving Him Is Pink -- Bede x Avery (A Pride Month Pokemon Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now