Loving Him Is Pink -- Bede

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We spent a few more days on the island, waiting for Avery to get better. Sure enough, his powers came back, but incredibly slowly. At first, it was just things flickering with the aura of psychic energy, and eventually he started to lift small things like pencils and Pokeballs. Of course, he was overjoyed at the prospect of being able to lift things with his mind again, and he made it known by joyously lifting another student and spinning her around and around until she became sick.

Hyde ran many tests on Avery and tried to get him to teleport again, but no matter what he did, he couldn't. After Honey discouraged him from threatening him with one of his welding tools, she decided that the teleportation was a one-time thing, and he shouldn't be pressured to try it again. Avery gratefully agreed.

As the day of the Gym Leader's departure drew closer, we both kept to the agreement we'd made; neither of us told anyone else what had happened in the caves, even if Klara's begging was unbearable. But everyone knew something had happened; we had stopped arguing, and didn't even speak to each other. Heck, we avoided eye contact at all costs. Clearly, inconspicuous wasn't really our thing.

Finally, the day we were supposed to leave arrived. I had my bags packed, and everyone was making their way to the train station. After breakfast, the students said their goodbyes, some swapping phone numbers with Marnie and the younger Gym Leaders, and Raihan was taking selfies with everyone. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Klara making Piers swear to call her more often, and giving bear hugs to everybody else.

Honey had insisted she escort us to the train station instead of Klara, lest she get bored and leave us stranded halfway there. When we finally left the Dojo, I half-hoped Avery would be among the many faces who bid me farewell, but he wasn't anywhere to be found. Actually, when I really thought about it, I hadn't seen him all morning. Where could he have gone?

We trekked through the Fields of Honor, passing many Pokemon like Buneary and Jigglypuff wandering through the tall grass. When an Abra suddenly teleported in front of me out of nowhere, I remembered Avery's Alakazam, and was instantly given the painful reminder that he wasn't here. Why do I care so much, anyways?! I thought bitterly. It's not like I enjoyed kissing him, or anything.

"It's strange how Avery didn't show up to see us off," Opal commented like she had read my mind. "Yes...." I agreed slowly, and my stomach sank even further.
"I do wonder where he could have gone," Honey mused. "He doesn't usually leave the Dojo before the sun comes up, but no one's seen him since last night."
"How very peculiar," Opal said, smiling at the ocean sparkling in the sunlight.

We made it to the train station just as the cabs were starting to arrive. The Corviknight's metallic cries pierced the still morning, and their heavy wingbeats sent loose objects and fallen leaves flying everywhere. I helped Opal into her carriage with Kabu, and watched as it took off into the sky. My driver was late to arrive because of turbulence, so I had to wait a little while longer.

I was about to ask Milo if I could share the taxi with him, when the faint smell of a strange spice stopped me. It was warm and friendly, and bore a slight resemblance to cinnamon, but sweeter and less concentrated. Mixed with the clean scent of freshly cut flowers, I turned too late and realized Avery was running towards me across the surf.

He skidded to a stop in front of me, taking a second to catch his breath. Once he finally got it again, he turned to me. There was a moment of awkward silence as we both stared at each other, not saying a thing. Everyone else had gone already, so it was just us, with nothing but the sound of the waves breaking over the beach.

"I apologize for not being able to see you off earlier," he finally broke the silence, fiddling with his glasses. "I completely lost track of time; it was like I was under Hypnosis."
"Okay...." I said slowly, slightly eager for the driver to arrive and rescue me from this horrifically awkward scene.

Loving Him Is Pink -- Bede x Avery (A Pride Month Pokemon Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now