༊*·˚ ❝You apologized for pushing us away but seeing you still blame yourself 3 months later after everything..that hurts even more❞
↳ in which you along with your 3 best friends
navigate through your last year
at karasuno high s...
You rushed out the house to the car with the trio in it. You got in the back and said hi to them and of you were
"Um where are we going again"
"Pay attention to the group chat and you would know"
"Suga leave me be"
"We are going to the carnival Tanaka, Noya, Hinata, and Kageyama are meetings us there"
"Thank you MOCHI at least someone isnt rude"
The car ride was pretty long. You guys took turns singing many songs and you made sure you were nice and loud to annoying Suga.
You guys finally arrived you walked to the front gate to meet up with the rest of the boys. You gave Hinata and big hug and greeted the rest of the guys.
When you were walking when Daichi and Suga went straight to the roller coasters, Hinata and Kageyama started arguing and Tanaka and Noya were annoying these group of girls. You yelled at Hinata and Kageyama to stop arguing and asahi saved the girls from Noya and Tanaka.
"Can you guys stay calm for one night please"
They all nodded and you assigned each duo with a person. You were stuck with Hinata and Kageyama.
You guys played some games and they got extremely competitive. But Kageyama ended up winning you a stuffed turtle. You gave him kiss on the cheek but you noticed that Hinata was disappointed. So you got him some cotton candy when everyone joined back together.
Noya and Tanaka came back limping
"Omg what happened to them"
'They were harassing people so I hit them" suga said
"You're the worst"
"Yea yea whatever"
Everyone started talking when you walked away to get some water. Suga followed after you to wait on line with you.
"What do you want"
"You never know its night time someone might attack you"
"What is your 5'8 self going to-"
"Um excuse me" you were cut off by a timid boy tapping you on the shoulder causing you to turn around
"I saw you earlier tonight and I thought you were cute.....I was wondering if I could get your number"
"Sorry buddy she's taken" he said kissing you cheek"
"KOSHI" you said pushing him off "im sorry I am but not by him im flattered though"
"Oh okay thanks" the boy said turning and walking away
"What is wrong with you"
"Why didn't you get his number, have a little fun"
"Because I already said im taken"
"Lion, you haven't seen the guy since the last match"
"So what I like him"
"Whatever, just saying live your life he's not here"
"You're a hoe i'm not"
"Im not a hoe i'm experienced"
"Sure whatever helps you sleep at night"
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