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Ron helped me step out of the car and I shielded my eyes from the sun for a moment, scanning the area.  We were behind the restaurant, which I anticipated was so that we could get organized before the media was on us. 

Relief flooded me when I saw Peter get out of the car wearing a smart blue button-up and khakis, but nothing overly flashy. I was actually irritated at how effortlessly good he looked. It seemed unfair. 

He walked over to us with the same bodyguard in tow. He kissed the back of my hand when he got over to us as a greeting. 

"Hello, Evangeline, lovely to see you again."

I nodded. 

"Its good to see you too, Peter." After a moment of hesitation, I introduced Ron. 

"Um, this is Ron, my bodyguard."

Ron gave a respectful head nod. Peter looked surprised but smiled at him nonetheless.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ron. I trust Evangeline is in good hands?"

I blinked at the question but reminded myself that everyone thought we were together, meaning we had to play the doting couple. Even with no one around, he was a natural. 

"Very capable, sir."

"Excellent. This is Frank."

I waved a little at the hulking man behind Peter. His face was impassive behind his sunglasses, giving no indication that he'd seen me. 

"Ready to go in? We'll go around to go to the front door, I just thought we should get organized before the first public appearance."

Called it. 

"Yes, okay. I'll follow you."

We started to walk, and Peter reached back and laced our fingers together. I made a little 'oh' sound of surprise. 

"I'm sorry, is this alright? I just thought, pictures and things?"

Blushing madly, I nodded. 

"No, no it's fine. I was just surprised is all."

He smiled warmly at me and steered us around the corner of the building before pushing the doors open, Ron and Frank following us inside. 

This was clearly a fancy place, full of rich-looking people. Despite everyone looking like they came out of Gossip Girl, one Prada clad girl still took out her phone and snapped a discreet photo of us. 

"Should I tell her to delete the photo, sir?" Frank asked once the hostess had led us to a private booth area. 

"Don't worry about it, Frank."

The faintest hint of surprise crossed Frank's face, but he didn't say anything else. Once we were seated, the two of them stood further away, out of earshot, but close enough to intervene should anything go awry. 

Peter looked at me, dark hair falling into his eyes a little. 

"So, how are you?"

"Pretty good. This is all still a little weird, I'm afraid," I answered, fidgeting with my signet ring. 

"I completely understand. Again, I can't thank you enough for doing this. The reception to our announcement was very well received, and my parents are quite frankly, over the moon that I'm "finally taking my duties seriously," he said, putting air quotes around the last part. 

"Wow, duty, huh? How romantic," I teased. 

"Isn't it?" He laughed a little. 

A young waiter who looked absolutely terrified approached the table. 

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