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This was a supremely entertaining experience for me. I was getting to see a different side of Peter, one where he was a little more loosened up, less stressed. 

I hated to admit how his little smiles were beginning to set off butterflies in my stomach. I reminded myself that this was strictly business, that we were going to part ways in a few months as polite acquaintances or casual friends if I was lucky. 

But all of that was a little hard to remember as I watched him laugh and argue with Alec, tie loosened, hair messy and eyes bright. 

Lillian sidled up beside me as we walked over to the croquet court, breaking me out of my reverie. 


"Oh, hey!"

She offered her elbow, which I gladly linked my arm through. 

"It's been really nice to meet you, Evangeline."

"Yeah, you too. I really hope we can be friends, not just because of Peter, you know?"

She nodded, smiling down at me. 

"I can tell he really likes you."

I looked at her, surprised. 


"He's got a look in his eye when he looks at you. I don't know. It's barely noticeably but I've known him for so long that I can tell."

"Oh," was all I said, not sure how to respond. Maybe Peter was an actor in his past life. 

"I hope Alec and I didn't freak you out too much. We have other friends, obviously, but we both worry about Peter, and I can tell you're good for him."

"Oh, well thank you. And you didn't freak me out too much. I was just a little overwhelmed is all."

She laughed a clear sound that made me feel a little more at ease. 

"Fair enough. If it makes you feel any more at ease, I think you're handling everything very well. I read about your family and stuff when it all happened. I can't imagine how stressful that was."

I shrugged. 

"Yeah, it was crazy. But I guess in a weird way, I'm kinda used to the crazy now. Like if things ever get too boring, that's when I'll worry."

"Hey ladies, get a move on maybe, huh?" Alec called. 

"You'd think for being almost 26 that asshole would have a slightly higher maturity level than a teenager, but no," Lillian whispered, causing us to giggle. 

"Alright, who's going first?"

"Uh, is someone gonna explain the rules first?" I interjected. 

Peter brought me over a club. 

"Okay so the gist of it is, you're trying to get your balls through the wickets and to the peg at the end first."

He showed me how to hit it, which I tried to copy in a much less accurate and graceful manner. 

"We could play in teams first, so Evangeline can learn," Alec suggested. 

"I call dibs!" Lillian yelled, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me to one side. 

"Uh, she's my girlfriend, Lil."

"Ask me if I care, Peter."

He looked at me, to which I just shrugged. I wouldn't cross Lillian either. 

Peter rolled his eyes. 

"Okay fine, you can have her for one game and then we'll switch."

Alec clapped him on the shoulder. 

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