Chapter 1

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I was cruising the hall with my friends; we were talking about the annual high school talent show. If we wanted to participate or not. I felt like someone knocked me off my feet.

An FBI agent explaining a theory that I might have special abilities. An older agent accepting that idea because they had searched for these girls for years but I managed to find them in a few days. They would examine me to find out if I had the talent. Then another man walks out slowly explaining he will get the task force to prepare the black site I will be sent to for examination. He walked out towards the elevator and called Shadow, he called to confirm I am the real deal. He will approach me to join if I refuse he will kill my parents and the others can move in and somehow convince me to go with them. He is willing to sacrifice himself for society if necessary. He turned a corner and asked a balding agent to make the appropriate arrangement for an extraction and protection detail for a high-value target. Then the room swirled into another scene. I was standing on a dilapidated road surrounded by junk. The radio crackled to life all of a sudden This is breaking news! I am here to confirm the report that a psychic is indeed the one who found those ten girls the FBI had declared dead. I walked towards the backdoor of the junkyard with my head down, hoping my cap will keep me inconspicuous. I saw my ex-boyfriend with his motorcycle ready to go. He smiled at me. He asked me again "Are you sure about this?" I smiled at him sadly, "If I stay here the FBI will take me by force I will end up a suicide like Marcy Johnson, if they don't get me then The Swords and Cross will kill my family. I can't live with myself if they hurt them. This is the best option for all of us. They have no clue about the extent of my gifts. No one knows about us either so you have nothing to worry about anyone harassing you." He gave me his helmet, "Let's go to Arthurs lighthouse. They won't find you there." I hopped on his bike and we drove off. I heard and saw other bikes coming towards us. It was his friends here to help us cover our tracks so no one can find us.

I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes I saw Andrea standing over me she looked at me perplexed. Are you feeling alright? I smiled at her, "I skipped dinner last night and skipped breakfast this morning. I just passed out." She looked at me scandalized. "Why would you do that?" I smiled sheepishly, "I was busy finishing my homework. I had forgotten to eat." She groaned, "You were busy with your homework? Did you forget to hand over your assignment again?" I gave her a shy smile, "I forgot five of my assignments." She shook her head as she helped me get to the nurses' station. I waited until she left to focus on my gift.

I was alone and called my ex-boyfriend who is a member of a biker gang. He picked up from the third ring. "What happened? Is my wife in danger?" I explained my vision and he told me to pretend I am sick. He informed me that he would send someone to collect me. I did as he asked me to do. The counselor was suspicious but she allowed it because I looked like I was going to vomit on her.

I was in the bikers rundown clubhouse when they announced that I was the psychic. Jake swore loudly and told his gang to collect the money they owed me for finding the man who kidnapped their kids. They promised to pay three-quarters of a million for the one who finds the monster. I found the man and I told them to save it for a day I might have to run away in case the outside world finds out. I have been preparing for it, for the past ten years. There is no picture of me at school and there are no cameras in school so they don't know what I look like. The men were very impressed. They asked me to help them on a few more occasions, to which I obliged. I told them that the FBI will try to get my prints from my house or school, they laughed it off saying that they will take care of it. They will find a different set of prints but they will never acquire mine. I kept praying for the call to confirm that the prints were wiped clean. Because if I leave before that it would cause trouble. Therefore, the moment Frankie called to confirm that he had wiped the prints from the school and his wife had wiped the prints from my house. Toby brought his girlfriend over to give me a wig that made me look like I had a haircut, a dye job. She gave me a change of clothes. I went from a red-haired schoolgirl with heterochromia iridium to a blonde-haired, blacked eyed biker girl. I was wearing knee-high boots, fishnet stockings, a leather skirt that reached my thigh. A Goth t-shirt and a black leather jacket. I even had fake piercings and press-on tattoos all over my body. It was a precautionary tactic, if the authorities try to stop us they would look the other way. I even had Robert give mom and dad a note so they won't approve the amber alert. They used a burner phone for me talk to them. They allowed me to have 'two-minute chitchat after that I had to hang up. They promised that they would burn my pictures and tell everyone that I traveled to my uncle's house because he was sick. He moved to New York after his wife passed away. He gave me the address so I left immediately. I promised not to get on a plane for a year. I had no passport and no ID, which meant I could easily give the government the slip if I am careful. They wished me luck. We split up, I had to reach the Junkyard by midnight then I am safe. Therefore, throughout the day I had to be on the move constantly. We only stopped to eat or to use the bathroom. Nevertheless, I was on the move, I almost fell asleep. I reached the junkyard and Charlie wished me luck. I started to walk towards the gate when I heard the radio announce about me.

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