Part 2~ Phone Number

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You hear raindrops tapping and tapping on your window. You slowly open your eyes and look around. You've been dreaming about that dating website you got the other day. You keep hearing the raindrops, tapping ever so lightly.


Tap. Tap. Tap.

You immediately grab your phone, which was laying beside you. 54 dms! "Wow...I'm quiet the catch!" You chuckle. "Sigh...just kidding I suck."


You get up and get ready for the day. You're getting ready for a job interview at a small and steady place, called "Megabucks." It's a cafe, that sells a lot of amazing food and drinks. You sigh. "Metro city..." you say to your self. "Metro city."

Calling a taxi to get you to Megabucks, you look at the dating app again. No one swipe up on all of them "I knew this was a waste of my time," you say. The taxi finally arrives and you get in. After coming to Megabucks, you start walking towards the door.


" where you're going!" You yell. You look up, and see a tall man. He has big handsome eyes, leather bad boy clothing, and one heck of a forehead. You're jaw drops. "I'm so sorry!" Are you alright?" He asks. He has such an attractive raspy voice. "Yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry for yelling...just in a bad mood," you sigh. He pats you on the shoulder. "Yup. We've all been there," he says, chuckling. You look into his eyes, and giggle. You grab his coffee that was in his hand and take out your pen you have in your pocket. "Here," you say, winking. You wrote your phone number. You start sweating, TO MUCH CONFIDENCE! "S-sorry! Only if you're single of course!" You slap yourself on your forehead. Shouldn't have said that, you say in your head. He laughs. "I'll make sure to give you a call," he says, winking and sticking his tongue out. You blush and walk inside Megabucks.

~After interview~

You take a taxi back to your place, sighing to yourself. You have a...crush.

Well...hopefully you got the...job...?

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