Chapter 2| The King's Claw

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Nyx's body was laying down on his bed asleep, yet his mind was still running wild from what he had seen. His sleeping body shifted from side to side as nightmares began to flow through his mind.

A flash of town in green flame and spikes made out of ice came in his mind as he was in the center of it all once again. He looked around in a panic as his breath became fast and short before a loud screech took his attention. He raised his head up high only to saw a flying beast. No, it was a dragon with white and blue scales and blue snake-like eyes.

Filled with fear and shock Nyx just stood there staring at the beast. His hands were shaking, his feet were numb as if he had just been frozen by the dragon. As he took a deep and heavy breath, the dragon spat at him. Swiftly Nyx crossed his hand in front of his face to brace himself from what he thought was a flame that being spat at him, only for him to realize that it felt cold like ice.

Nyx leaped out of his bed in a sitting position as he was panting for some air. He scanned around the room so that his thought could cool down before he finally let out a breath of relief as he realized he was in his room. A medium-size room with a stone floor and a fireplace to keep him warm at night.

Nyx rubbed the back of his head as he lowered his head seeing how sweaty he was, even he had worn a trouser and not a shirt. He let out a quick huff before pushing the fur he was covered with away from him and slid his feet to the stone floor, surprisingly he felt cold from last night although he was sweaty like melting ice in the summer.

Seeing as he was sweating like a flowing river, he went himself to a bathing chamber which not far from his chamber to wash out of his sweat. Using a wet cloth he wiped away the sweat away from his body before putting on a loose shirt for meeting his family in the morning feast.

And off he went to the great hall, passing some maids who still murmured about him which he just shrugged them off. As he pushed open the door of the great hall, his family already sat there eating.

"You look, rough buddy, what happened?" The king asked him followed by his other children setting their sight at the adopted prince who truly looked like hell.

Nyx let out a chuckle as he walked to his seat with his family, "Aye, couldn't get good sleep last night." They all looked puzzled at him, especially the queen who had cupped his face with her hand.

"You want to talk about it?" Hearing that from the queen, Nyx could only shake his head in refusal. "I don't think I have the time, I got something to look at."

"For how long?" His brother asked still keeping his eyes on his big brother.

"Six days or eight depends," Nyx replied as he started to eat his morning supplement. His father only nodded in respect and her sister just gave him what she usually gave, a cold stare.

When he finished he quickly went back to his chamber. But before he prepared himself for his journey, he had scanned his chamber around him making him walked through his early childhood memories. He could see the shadow of himself when he was just a boy, sitting on the chair near the fireplace with red damped eyes as he was just stopped from crying and both knees in front of his chest with his arms wrapped around them, while the queen was sitting on the opposite chair beside him. He still remembered how that went through.

"Tell me Nyx, why did you do it?" Hearing that the young boy turned his attention towards his mother who had a concerned expression and tone.

"I don't know- Nyx sobbed before wiping the tears and looked at the queen- It felt like a duty," The queen surprised as she was confused about what he had said. "I don't know- Nyx gulped a long breath before letting it out- I felt like if I didn't, I would die. If I didn't Elmond would die." He said before looking at the fire and the sound of wood being burnt. He took a quick sob before he spoke again, "And I couldn't live knowing that I killed my brother because of my death."

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