Seeking Redemption

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     It's been so long. So long since he last laid eyes on the suit. The dark green and black reminding him of fun times at UA. He remembered laughing and smiling with Rumi, Ryuko, and Hawks. However the white of his gloves and cape told a different story. Images of the white gloves soaked in crimson replayed in his mind. The broken body of a girl he failed to save. He remembered the horrified look frozen of the girls face even after death. She died frightened, hoping a hero would save her. Sadly, he couldn't. Now, he won't make the same mistake twice. Another girl needs his help and he'll save her. No matter the cost.
     The tight green suit felt just how he remembered. Next, he slid on the gloves and boots. Finally, he threw the cape over his shoulder and clipped it in place. One for All had given him vivid memories from previous users. He was also given some idea on how to use the other quirks. He is now more powerful than he ever was. There is no room for failure.
     He rejoined Rumi in the living room. She sat quietly on the couch, staring a hole in the floor. Izuku sat down next to her and handed her a folder. Slowly she flipped through it and read the pages upon pages of information on the yakuza. Finally, Rumi grit her teeth and seethed at the image of Kai Chisaki holding the hand of a frightened little girl. She gripped the photo tighter, until it crumpled between her fingers. Izuku calmed her by gently prying her fingers off the crumpled paper. Rumi met his gaze. His face was blank and calm, but underneath his facade he was raging.
"Let's kick this scum's ass, Power Couple style." Izuku said determined. Rumi could only muster a nod in her fit of rage.
Finally, let's rescue this little girl and show them what we're made of. Izuku let go of Rumi and let her land on the rooftop. He began his slow descent with his combination of Float and Draft. A seemingly meaning less quirk, draft, allows the user to subtly effect the surrounding air to a small degree. By itself it's useless, but combined with float it becomes infinitely more powerful.
His cape fanned out above the dusty ground and shadowed his descent to a knee. We could do this the fun way or the hard way. Izuku rapped his knuckles softly against the thick, concrete roofing. It's really thick. There's no reverb. Maybe if I take a quick look inside. Izuku softly pulled out a communicator and plugged it in his ear. "Miruko, stay on standby. I'll give you the signal when I'm ready. Deku out." Izuku quietly relayed. "Roger that Deku. Miruko on Standby." She replied.
     From another pocket he pulled a small circular camera in a metal shell. He set it down against the concrete and rested his hand on top of it. Energy surged throughout his body and One For All pulsed. From the branches of power he located what he needed. Abruptly, his palm phased through the roof and pushed the currently phasing camera through the roof. When the camera fell to the floor below, he extracted his hand and cut the connection to his palm. Concurrently, blood dripped steadily from his nose. It smeared across his upper lip when he wiped it away. A small thin metal stick ejected from his gauntlet and he grasped it tightly. When flipped open, it relayed the live camera feed from the small drone.
    From the newly gained information, he found the alarm sensors for the hallway under him. To destroy them, he phased his hand through it and fried the circuits. Finally, he knelt down in the corner and gather himself. He breathed in deeply and felt an unsettling rumbling in his abdomen. It seemed that right above his stomach was a melting hot flow of something. It burned his throat as it traveled through mutated tubes on either side of his throat. Gradually, the melting flow was cut and the stored heat expelled out of his mouth. Bright blue atomic flames lit the concrete ablaze and began to melt it to a gooey paste. First, he put on his red mask to conceal his identity. Then once a burning orange hole remained where the roof once was, he dropped down carefully. After coughing out a few rings of smoke, he crept down the hallway.
     When he rounded the corner, down the hall stood 3 of the eight bullets. Yu Hojo, Soramitsu Tabe, and Rikiya Katsukame. Their files came to mind as he analyzed each of them. Hojo broke into a sprint towards Deku. His shoulders crystallized and crystal knuckles donned his hands. Deku set his feet and raised his fists in preparation. With the first punch Deku dipped below the strike and delivered a 25% punch to his stomach. Upon impact, the punch was interrupted by a layer of crystals forming as armor. Swiftly, Deku jumped back and narrowly missed the bite attempt from Tabe. A ping sounded from his gauntlet and told him they were primed for air usage. Deku pulled his finger back for a flick. Wind blasted down the hallway and knocked the bullets back. However, Tabe rebounded off the walls in pursuit of Deku. When he struck a fist towards Tabe, a crystallized forearm braced the impact. Upon retracting his fist, Deku took notice of the small shards of crystal embedded in his hands. Before the pain registered, the two attacked simultaneously. Quickly, Deku spun around and landed a roundhouse kick on the villains. The attack launched them through a glass pane and into an adjacent room. Down the hall, the stoic Rikiya began to ready his shoulder charge. To counter him, Deku pulled a small ball bearing and bola from his belt. He threw the bola at Rikiya. The two balls swung around his ankles and tightened the metal chain. Before he crashed to the floor, Deku flicked the quarter sized, steel ball into his gut. The impact left an indent in his torso. He fell to the ground with a sickening thud.
Deku continued down the hallway in search of Kai and the girl. While walking down the hall, he recalled the schematics he saw in the Shie Hassaikai file. He saw a familiar looking sign on a door at the end of the hall. He walked up to it and laid an ear against the door. Beyond the cold barrier, he hear shallow breathing and quick breaths. Slowly he gripped the knob and checked by turning it. It was locked. Next he crushed the handle in his palm. Without resistance, Deku gradually opened the door. The sight was appalling. The little girl from the photo laid on the ground in a haggard white cloth covered in splashes of blood. Her limbs were wrapped tightly is dirty bandages. The room was packed with basic necessities but nothing a child would ever dream of. Carefully, Deku came closer until he could make out the girls contorted face. She squirmed in place and her breathing became shallower. Her rigid form brought back melancholic memories of his own mother. The comforting warmth of her touch and her ability to dissipate any worries he had with a simple touch. Seeing this girl reminded himself of him at a young age. Isolated, alone, scared, and in need of a hero. All Might saved me when I needed it the most. It's my turn to be her hero. Just this once, whoever out there that cares please let this work out. His scarred hands lightly traced her cheeks and wiped the warm tears away. Once he removed his mask, Deku gingerly lifted her into his warm embrace. She instantly grasped his suit and uttered a quiet and painful "Mommy, Daddy don't leave me." A few tears of his own slipped down his cheeks remembering those words.
Izuku ripped fistfuls of grass out of the ground and slammed his fist back down. He cried and cried endless amounts of tears. Only when he felt a hand on his shoulder, did he notice the others behind him. Front and center was his best friend Rumi Usagiyama, holding a bouquet of flowers. Beside her was Toshinori Yagi, aka All Might. The others behind them were his classmates and family friends. Rumi stood in front of his kneeling form. Izuku reached out and hugged her around the waist and buried his crying face into her stomach. He continued muttering "Mom come back. I miss you. Don't leave me please."
~~~~~Flashback End~~~~~
Deku rested his cheek against her own and cradled her head and body. When she began to slowly wake from her nightmare, she remained under the illusion it was dream. A dream back with her parents before they were gone. She believed the warm loving embrace she once associated with her father. So, she pulled tighter and reveled in the loving embrace she oh so missed. She only believed it was real when she heard right against her ear "I'll save you. We'll get out of here and you won't have to worry ever again." The words brought tears to her eyes yet she was beyond happy. The overwhelming emotion culminated in a loud wailing cry.
It had been so long since she let loose all the pain. So long everything has built up and crushed her. The overbearing pain and anguish of her life. She couldn't understand why his words unlocked the chained depths of her heart. The little girl that just wanted to love and to be loved. The girl who wants a happy life. For so long, she had been told that she didn't deserve happiness. She was a killer, and that was okay because Overhaul can help her pay for her crimes. But this man with an embrace as warm as her father, he made her want to be selfish. She wants to be held and cared for. She doesn't want to hurt anymore. So the unbearable emotions flooded out of her in consecutive wailing shouts. Once she started she couldn't stop. The pain flowed out as much as the tears cascaded down her face. With all her might she prayed that this was all real. That a hero had come to save her. That she would be free. Sadly, everything comes at a price. The door to her room slammed open to reveal Kai Chisaki, Overhaul. Before she could register the terror of his presence, she saw the smiling face of her hero. He smiled at her and held her face in his palms "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe. I'll see you when you wake up." Deku popped the top off of a cylindrical container and from it pink gas spread. One smell of the gas and she had fallen asleep.
Deku laid her down on the ground and wrapped her in his white cape. His ever present smile morphed into a savage grin as he took in his opponents. Overhaul took lead and was flanked by Chronostasis, Rappa, Sakaki, Tengai, and Setsuno. "Miruko, let's kick ass." The ceiling busted open and Miruko dropped down. She landed a Luna fall on Sakaki, who raised his arms in an attempt to block the kick, knocking him unconscious and breaking his arms. "I've been waiting like a good little Girl Scout but now I've got my shot with you." Rumi happily spoke with a vicious smile. Deku met her eyes for the other side of the villains and his look of pure and unbridled rage set off clear alarm bells. Behind him was a small girl in bandages. Rumi lost her smile and instead donned a barely contained look of rage. No matter what they would make them pay, be it prison or permanent crippling. Which ever comes first.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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