Deku Dreams of Bunny Girl Waifu

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      Izuku sat at his desk chewing the end of his reading glasses. The gray walls contrasted the colorful photos hanging from the walls. Each picture a reminder of their achievements. Also, they helped stroke Rumi's ego. Over his desk, a medium sized picture hung next to two smaller ones. The large picture was of him and Rumi in their hero suits posing for a fan. Next to them were photos from their respective debuts.
      On his desk, sat a smaller picture of him holding an angry Rumi in his arms. Her in a simple white wedding dress and jamming a finger into his smiling face. Sadly, the pictures only helped to procrastinate, at the moment. His desk was covered in tests and homework covered in red ink. Some of it was his classes, but most was from Rumi's class. 'Damn woman. Giving me all her work.' Said teacher was happily snoring in their bed. Finally, Izuku stacked the papers up and shut off the lamp. He resigned himself to the bath to rinse away the tension of correcting his class and Rumi's work.
      During school days, Izuku cherishes late nights in bed with his wife, but on weekends he sometimes wants to strangle her. Her fighter attitude makes her mostly incompetent when it comes to actual teaching. Sadly, then the responsibility rests on his shoulders to carry them through each school year. Sometimes the responsibilities stack up too high. On those days, the bath is his best friend, as well as his half asleep wife. 'Half asleep wife is better than awake wife.' Izuku wrapped a fresh towel around his waist and slid his wedding band around his finger. He exited the bathroom and into their bedroom. Before getting in bed, he put on a pair of shorts and dried off. Immediately, Rumi rolled towards him and positioned herself on top. Her hands wormed under his back and hugged him close. Izuku gladly rubbed a hand along her spine. Finally, he closed his eyes and let himself rest.
Mornings were never his specialty. No one really likes mornings. However, Izuku loves Sunday mornings. As per usual, Izuku woke up to Rumi following the numerous scars on his arms and chest with her finger. Her head rested on his chest and legs in between his. Instinctively, he turned onto his side.
"Go back to sleep Rumi." He whispered into his pillow.
Rumi softly spoke "You know you're really hot." Izuku replied with a tired sigh. 'Of course she's in Monkey Brain moment first thing in the morning'
"Rumi turn of your Monkey Brain please. It's way to early." Izuku continued. Rumi pouted and hugged his exposed back.
"But Izuuuu, it's early morning and you're half naked. I just can't help myself." Rumi greedily felt up his chest and abs. She let out a dreamy sigh and continued her ministrations. Finally, Izuku sat up and swung his feet off the bed. A new sense of vigor overtook Rumi, and she reached out and latched onto his back. Izuku used his trump card to render her defenseless.
After the first year of them dating, Izuku had enough of Rumi completely overpowering him at everything: school, sparing, arguments, and especially sex. He tried a variety of things to find a weakness and his experiments paid off. He found that his bunny wife gets weak in the knees when her ears are involved. The soft fur of her eras was a constant because whenever he was on the defense, he would either reach for her ear or softly nibble on it. He always got the desired result, she would nearly fall to the floor with a surprised moan.
Now was no different, Izuku grasped the edge of her ear and felt her arms loosen. Quickly, he swung her around and into a bridal carry. His wife blushed profusely but kept her hardened glare at him. Despite the scary glare, her pout was quite cute. Izuku carried his constantly horny wife into their kitchen and set her down on the counter. Rumi swung her legs and kept her pout. Izuku disregarded her pout and proceeded to start making tea.
"Izuku, have I gotten smaller?" Rumi asked. Izuku glanced over his shoulder. Suddenly, he was in Rumi's face with an inquisitive stare. He then looked her over once, then twice, then a third time.
Then he answered "Honestly.....I can't tell. You've always been short, but I don't see a difference." Rumi frustratedly landed a fist in her open palm.
"Damn, I totally didn't get the compliment. Jeez, you're such a stickler for complementing you're totally beautiful and amazing wife." Rumi proudly stated.
Izuku responded with an unimpressed face "WOW! Rumi, Oh wife of mine, I never noticed how bountiful your large, bulbous....ego was." Rumi's triumphant smirk wavered and her gaze hardened.
"That's it, you are officially in the doghouse. Have fun sleeping on the couch." Just like that, the fun atmosphere disappeared and Izuku quickly backpedaled.
"Ah! Rumi, that that's not w-what I meant. I-I meant my beautiful wife with a-a-a bountiful beauty and humble heart." Rumi while unimpressed replied.
"Fine, I will accept your attempt...but you need to make it up to me." Izuku gulped at the sheer gravity of that statement. Rumi values retribution very highly. She will find a way to make it terrible for him....probably in bed. She is kind of a lust crazed rabbit woman with no filter.
Their terse conversation of interrupted by the whistle of the kettle. Izuku poured the steaming water into mugs and set them at their table. Next he tried to reconcile with Rumi with carrot pancakes. While spitting across from each other, Izuku asked his wife.
"Hey Rumi, have you spoken to Ryuko lately?" Rumi shook her head while stuffing her face with pancakes.
He continued "I just wanted to make sure she's okay. The news said that that she was spotted in a fight with a gang attack. She looked kind of ruffed up." Loudly, Rumi slurped her tea and let out a sigh
"I haven't exactly been in touch lately. She's been trying to get me to be 'er wingman. I ain't up for it. I've got a perfectly good boy toy at home. Why would I need to help someone else?" Izuku tried to suppress the slight rage at the term "boy toy".
Izuku started again "On the topic of gangs, have you heard of the recent surge of gang activity. It's been crazy. New gangs are coming out of the woodworks."
Rumi gave a battle-crazed smile "Oh how I would love to kick the ass of some gangs."
Izuku put his hands up as a'calm down' "Don't get ahead of yourself. You have teaching work to do." She slumped onto the table and rested her torso on the table and stretched her arms out in front.
She groaned like a child "But I don't wanna. Work is soooo boring. Can't I just get my overly kind husband to do the work." Izuku shook his head at her child like attitude to paperwork.
"Jeez, are you sure you don't have any allergies. You seem to be allergic to paper. The only paper I've ever seen you touch is our marriage certificate." Suddenly, Rumi's face flushed and she stammered for a reply
"H-H-Hey I am not some-some idiot that can't do paperwork. I just chose not to. Besides the marriage certificate is a reward for all my hard work." Rumi smiled like she accomplished something and Izuku blankly stared at her. My wife is a complete idiot. Izuku waved off her comment
"On another note, I heard that Nemuri is trying to get you to join them for hangouts. Why not socialize with someone other than the person you're legally blinded to by the state." Rumi groaned again
"Come on, that so unfair. Aizawa and Hizashi are totally cool. Uhhh, scratch that. Aizawa is cool and sometimes so is All Might. They are a total-" Izuku interrupted "Hold on. Yes, I hang out with Shota and Hizashi but All Might?! He's more like my Dad then a friend. I don't feel comfortable asking him to accompany me to a bar." Rumi glared
"I wasn't finished. But, Nemuri and Ryuko are total gossips and fail at romance. I would rather hang out with Takami." Izuku boldly stated "No, Uh uh. Hawks is off limits. That womanizer can't be near you by at least 20 feet. Who knows what he would do?" Rumi snorted
"Ahhh, my husband is totally jealous. Don't worry there isn't any competition for my heart. It's already won by a man. Funny enough, I just can't stop myself from loving him." Izuku silently let out a tense breath. Hawks is a sensitive topic. They had been cool the couple of times they met but when Rumi told him about Hawks in highschool. He was a total manwhore. He can't be near Rumi. Who knows what that floozy will try. The conversation was disrupted by the distant ringing of his phone. Rumi nodded her head towards the bedroom. 'Alright I got it. I'll get the phone damn you.' Izuku saw a current call from Toshinori. He passed the answer button
"Yello, this is Deku. What can I do for you Toshi?" The other end of the call sounded completely muffled with the occasional rustle. Izuku looked at the caller ID again in confusion.'No it's definitely All Might.' Faintly in the background he could hear a conversation.
"Lately, there has been a rise in gang activity in the area. It has been a compete mystery until recently. We believe that the reason is the Yakuza. It seems they're making some sort of move. We believe that they are involved with the reported League of Villains. Some reports have stated that a young girl can be seen. These reports have led to us assuming either a kidnapping or some type of child trafficking scheme. All of you be on alert. We are writing up a plan as we speak. Nothing is concrete so please don't get involved if worst comes to worst. Be on the look out everyone. That's all. Resume you daily duties." Izuku stared at the wall with a blank expression.
Rumi peeked through the doorway in concern. She hurried over to him when she notice the blank look. Rumi caught the last thing from the phone. It was All Might's voice
"Please Young Midoriya, be a hero once more. Save this girl and stop the Yakuza." The call ended but he stayed still, holding the silent phone to his ear. Rumi wrestled the phone from his clasp. She cupped his cheek and softly spoke
"Hey, you ok? What was that call about? Izu talk to me." Izuku slowly lost the glaze and he regained focus. He carefully pondered the situation. It was dangerous, obviously. However, it was more dangerous to leave this alone. He wouldn't fail another little girl ever again. He will wear his don his cape once more, and hopefully he can be a real hero again.
He turned to a concerned Rumi "Rumi....get your costume. We have a little girl to save and a jackass to beat up." Rumi's conceded frown slowly morphed into pure glee. 'Lets kick ass and save a little girl.'

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