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'Jackson you do not get changed in the attendings lounge',

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'Jackson you do not get changed in the attendings lounge',

An annoyed Bailey said as she opened the door to the attendings lounge, she walked out still annoyed and I walked in. I smiled at Jackson,

'I'm not gonna complain',

I said pouring myself a cup of coffee, Jackson smiled at me,

'can you pass me my scrub top?',

Jackson asked, I picked up his shirt from the table before standing up and walking over to him, I held out the shirt for him, he began to smile at me,

'you know I wouldn't complain if you decided to take your shirt off',

Jackson said to me as my grip on the shirt got tighter so he couldn't take it from me easily. I shook my head at him slightly,

'I swear to god you two get out of her before I go full Bailey on you'.

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