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"Morning." Emberly says coming downstairs entering the kitchen, where everyone was.

"Morning." Jessica says, "Are you heading to your session with the therapist this morning?"

"Yeah. On my way to it now." Emberly says.

"Your going to be home for dinner right?" Mark asks.

"Uh, no." Emberly says then noticing the look of her Mom's face. "Before you worry, I'm not doing anything bad. I"m actually going to hang with Liam."

"You are?" Everly asks looking at her excited.

She was glad that finally Emberly and Liam were spending time. She thought for sure Emberly would never open up to Liam being their brother, but she was wrong.

"Yeah. I figured it's time for me to get to know him." Emberly says.

"That's great. Be home by 10. No later than." Jessica tells her.

"Yeah, yeah. See you guys later." Emberly says heading towards the door, grabbing her bag on her way out.


"How are you feeling, today?" Ms. Lane, the therapist asked sitting across from Emberly a note pad in her hand and pen as she starred at Emberly.

"Okay. I'm not feeling horrible." Emberly answers sitting on the couch playin with her fingers.

"Okay. So tell me what's been going on with you." Ms. Lane says.

"You know you ask me this the last times I came here and I'm only going to keep saying the same answer." Emberly says.

"Okay. So what are your plans for the rest if the day after this?"

"I am going to spend some sibling time with my brother." Emberly answers.

"How does that make you feel?"

"Uh, I don't know. It's probably going to be a little weird considering I haven't spoken to him in months, now. I've been avoiding him." Emberly says.

"Why have you've been avoiding him?"

"Becaue I didn't want to talk to him."

"Be more specific. Why didn't you want to talk to him anymore after you found out that he was your brother?"

"Because when my Mom moved us to Beverly, I rarely got to see him, anymore. I saw my Dad only once a week and I could tell each time the drugs was affecting him more than he wanted to show. The last time I saw my Dad, I got mad at him because I wanted him to come to a singing competition thing and he said he couldn't. That was the day my Mom said the decision to not allow me and Everly to see him again."

"My Mom already knew my Dad was on drugs. And she didn't want me and my sister to see my Dad like that any more. And Liam is a year older than me. He's had more time with Dad than I did. And I wanted more time with him. I wanted to apologize. I wanted to tell him how sorry I was." Emberly explained.


After therapy was over, Emberly was now at the Cafe as she waited for Liam to arrive.

She had a cup of coffee in front of her as she tapped her foot against the floor patiently waiting.

Neverous was definitely the emotion she was feeling right now.

Yeah, she had talked to him before but that was months ago before she knew he was her brother.

This was the first day she was going to be talking to her brother. It sounded crazy saying that. I mean her having a brother was something she never expected.


Emberly turns around looking at Liam, who stood in front of her table.

"Hey." Emberly stood up from her seat, "Uh, nice you again." Emberly says as she gave Liam a hug. Which was kinda of awkward.

"You too. How are you doing?" Liam asks as the two sat down.

"I'm doing okay." Emberly answers, "I'm just gonna go ahead and apologize for the way I acted the last time I saw you. That was wrong of me to do that and I shouldn't have gotten so upset."

"It'a cool. No apology needed." Liam says.

"Okay." Emberly nods her head before letting out an awkward laugh m, "So, do you want to order some food and talk?"

"I was actually thinking we could go somewhere if you don't mind." Liam suggests.

"Yeah, that's fine." Emberly says as she stood up from her seat, grabbing her bag. Pulling out her wallet she dropped a twenty on the table, before putting her wallet back up and looking at Liam, "Let's go."


Emberly and Liam stepped out her car arriving where Liam had instructed her to drive too. Which was a park.

But it was a familiar park. Emberly had been here before. It was the park that her- their Dad had taken them to when they were little kids.

"I remember this park." Emberly says as she and Liam walked onto the playground.

"This was where we first met." Liam says, "I remember you had fell on the ground when we were playing hide-and-seek."

"Yep, I still have the scar from that fall.i was clumsy." Emberly says.

"When you fell, I ran over to help you and Dad told me something. He said "those little girls are going to be very important to you. So you have to take care of them". I just thought he meant we were going to be close friends but little did I know 17 years later, you would be my sister."

"Yeah. The thought of having a brother was not something I ever expected to hear. It's always just been me and Everly and now knowing that we have a brother that's very unexpected." Emberly says.

"I understand this is going to be an adjustment for not only me but for the both of us. And I know it's also going to take time but I would really like to get to know you." Liam says.

"I know in the beginning I was not-so welcoming but the fact is that your my brother and we're family. And I want to get to know you, too." Emberly says.

So the rest of the night Enberly and Liam spent time at the park talking as they learned more about each other.

It was something they would both have to get used to, but like Emberly said they we're family.

A/N: Another update. Proud of myself that I could get this out today.  like maybe an hour and a half before Season 3 comes on and I'm just writing and waiting for it to come on, and like I said last chapter. NO SPOLIERS. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because  this is another long one. So vote and comment. 

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